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You just stood there and awkwardly stood there near him. You keeps on playing with your fingers while biting your lips nervously.

“Hey, what's wrong?”

He just sobs and still has his back facing towards you. Then, you let out a sigh before you reach your hand and rested it on his hair.

You slowly caress his hair which make him slowly let his knees off and turn towards you before his arms wrapped around your waist.

You flinched a bit as your breathe hitched and his arms around your waist get tightened a bit. He pulled you close and snuggles his face on your tummy.

“H-hey, what's wrong and why are you crying?”

“N-nothing.” he shortly answered as he rest his head on your tummy.

“Hey, you can tell me if you want to you know.” you softly said as your hand massage his scalp softly.

He pulled away and hang his head low while sobbing a bit. “I don't wanna look weak in front of you.”

“It's okay to be weak in front of someone sometimes. Not all people can remain strong in front of the others.” you said softly while taking a sit beside him.

He let out a sigh before hugging your waist again and this time he rest his head on your shoulder, face facing your neck. “I'm scare, Y/N-ah.”

“Of what?”

Losing you.

It feels like your time stops around you and you're pretty shocked of it. “Losing me?”

He just hums sadly which make you caressed his head and started to just keep silent instead of asking more questions.

You decided to stay in the positions for a while until he's feeling better and he did.

*Time skips*

A while later, both of you parted ways and left the building later then. The clouds are black when you left the building. You decided to left your backpack in your locker and then finally left to go home.

While walking home, some girls stood upon you while glaring down at you. “Please leave me alone, I'll pay them sooner.”

They all just scoffed at you and walked up towards you before pulling your hair tightly towards the alley. “Such a whore, aren't you?”

You just keep silent and they smirk before throwing you off to the ground with you stumbling and fall to the ground. Before you could get yourself up, one of them step onto your head harshly.

“You only know how to involve in debts but never know how to pay earlier than the date. Such a bastard. You know, a bastard child like you didn't deserve to live at all. Better off die out there.”

You just hold in your anger and try so hard no to pounce on them. Instead of doing so, you just sit yourself up and hang your head low before one of them kick you so hard right on your cheek, making your nose bleed.

Then, the girl in the middle press her right foot on your forehead as your head get press so hard against the wall.

“Such a bastard child and a piece of shit. Just get off and sale yourself. Prostitution are a great job for a piece of shit like you.” she said before kicking your head harshly.

Then, the kick were followed by others like kick on your tummy, head and more. Later then, they finally leave the place and let out there while laying on the wet, hard yet cold concrete ground.

You just lay there for a while while heavily breathed out before getting off from the ground. Then, you held against the nearest wall and pushed yourself to stand up.

“Great. Fucking great! Another bruises to be bring back home.” you frustratingly mumbles to yourself.

Then, you started to walked off home while limping a bit but it was not to obvious.

A while later, you finally reached home and pushed the door open before throwing your hoodie harshly off towards the couch. Then, you slam the door harshly before leading yourself upstairs to your room.

After you get inside your bedroom, you directly head off towards the bathroom and slam the door shut before taking a look at yourself in the mirror.

Many bruises on your face. Those kicks from them left many scratch too. There's a small wound near your eye which almost possibly makes you go blind. Then, you harshly washed your face, ignoring the fact that the bruises stinging after the water touch them.

While washing your face, it makes your anger build even more inside as you started to gritted your teeth up and hit the sink.

Without realising yourself, your knuckles bleed up before you slowly stops and slid yourself down the wall.

“Am I that bad and filthy for them to let me live my life peacefully?!” you frustratingly questioned yourself.

[ ⚠ WARNING! ⚠ ]

You took out a cutter and started cutting your skin off, making blood poured out.

Before proceeding yourself making the fourth cuts, you stops when you heard a small voice inside your head.

No, don't do it! Don't do it just because you wanna escape something you hate. Stop destroying yourself like this, Y/N-ah.

Then, you just slowly lowered the cutter and let your hand fall off as blood still slowly dripping off of your cut open skin.

Then, you started to cry off remembering everything that you've done to yourself before putting away the cutter.

You slowly looked over to your cut open skin and regret everything you've done. Then, you bring your knees closer and hug them while sobbing so hard.

“I didn't mean it.”

We know, Y/N-ah. Just hang off a bit and you'll escaped this stuff off sooner.

“Just help me now. I'm tired of it. Please, I'm fucking tired of it mom.”

There's no other response which makes you buried you face in your knees and sobs. It gets colder each moment which makes you shiver and hug your knees tighter.

“Just help me.”


My fellow beloved foxies, please don't destroy your beautiful self or if you've done it and still doing it . . . Please stop, okay? Remember that, there's many strangers out there (including me) are worried and care about you even if you think there's no one wanna care about you.

No matter what is your nationalities, your skin colour, or what elses are . . . We all the same human-kind and we care for each other.

It's okay to cry but just not until it hurts you. It's fine and always remember to stay strong and hang on a bit. We'll get through these shit together.


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