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It's been a few days already and you've literally dropped out from school cause they told you to join them. You're now sitting on one of the swing while facing the sinking sun at the huge backyard of the mansion.

The golden sun light hit your face, makes your skin seems like they're glowing. But while swinging a bit, you spaced out a bit while staring at the cloud.

Many thoughts came off to your mind as you quietly swing your legs along. It hard to think about many things at the same times which almost makes you to break down.

Some of the things doesn't really goes by just like the way you've wanted it to be. Somehow you questioned yourself a lot for still being able to get through of the things.

You keeps on spacing out before you heard a chain sounds from beside you. You turned and saw no other than Jeongin. He had a dimpled smile on before shifting his gaze to the sky.

“What's with those pouty scrunchy face huh?”

“Nothing. Just thinking.” you shortly answered before looking down to your feet.

Then, you just let out a sigh and got off from the swing before walking away from there. Then, you heard footsteps from behind before it stops right beside you and turn into normal steps.

“Something's bothering my princess mind, I see.” he said.

You look at him with both of eyebrows knitted together. “Huh?”

“You seems to spaced out frequently these past days which worried me. May I know what the things that have been bothering my princess?”

“Just past things, and don't wanna talk about it at all for real.” you said before he pulled you by your arm and turn you to face him.

“Then, don't think about it. It'll messed up with you only.”

You just nodded your head before he planted a soft kissed on your forehead. Then he ruffles your hair and smiles at you which makes you smile back.

Before the both of you went inside, a sudden attack from people with black clothes and masks appeared and circled around the two of you.

Jeongin protectively wrap his arms around your body while glaring to each of those people around the two of you.

“I'll try to contact the others first.” he whispered and you just nod.

After a few seconds of glaring he whispered again. “I've called the others and they should be here as soon as possible.”

You just nod nervously as you wrapped your arms around Jeongin's waist and he held you tight as you leaned against him.

A growl can be heard from him before you turned to look at him and saw him in his half wolf and half human form. His eyes are glowing bright in neon yellow and with those sharp looking fangs of him makes him look even scarier than him before.

They started to attack the both of you, making Jeongin to jump from the spot while holding you tight and landed on a nearby roof. “Stay here, baby. Make sure to stay hidden from those scumbag.”

You immediately nod which makes him caressed your cheek before planting on a kiss on your forehead. He then back away from you and secretly snuck out from the spot he hide you to the other spot that was a bit far from you.

You just wait there while peeking a bit and saw Jeongin fighting those people. Even though how strong he was, he still manage to get few cuts from those people.

Not long after that, the others came and help Jeongin. While hiding, a hand landed on your shoulder along with a husky voice that seems to belong to a guy.

“Hey there, princess.

Your eyes widened before his hand moved towards your neck and prevent you from running away. His grip around your neck tightened making you struggles.

He then lift you by one hand like you're just a rag doll. Then, he brought you out of the hiding spot and walks towards the spot where those boys are fighting.

He then whistle, making those people had their attentions on him.

“I got your princess~” he said in a singing tone, making it sounds annoying as it is.


He then just cracked out an evil laugh before tightening his grip around your neck making you yells.

“I'm afraid I can't because this isn't my plan.”


The masked guy just giggles before moving away from his spot and reveal a feminine shadow before a woman early 20's get revealed.

She had that evil smirk plastered on as she walked pass you before looking towards those boys.

“It's mine.”

Their eyes widened which make you confuse before one of them called out her name. “Arlene?”

It makes you confuse even more and stops struggling and just quietly listened to their conversations.

“Why Arlene?”

“Why? I am supposed to be in her spot now and not her! What's that she got and I didn't?!” she furiously asked.

“We didn't love you no more, Arlene! We regret everything we had with you before!”

It makes you shock even more and it feels like you've been betrayed but not sure if it was.

‘So, she's their mate before?’ you positively thought before that woman turn and glared at you.

“You're supposed to die!”

They had their eyes widened before the woman pulled out a gun and point it to you. Before she could pull the trigger, someone stops her.

“Wait Arlene! This is just a misunderstand. Know what, we love you okay?” Changbin suddenly said which the others nod in agreement.

Your heart shattered as there's flame burning inside you and you feel betrayed by them.


“Yes we do, Arlene.” they said again but in sync.

That's when the moment you feel so betrayed by them as your head lowered and your grips on the guy who held you loosened.

“I'm glad to hear it but I still need to make her disappeared from our life.”

She point her gun again but those boys didn't stop her which makes you shattered even more.

“No need to waste your bullet.”


“CAUSE I'LL DO IT MYSELF!” you furiously said as tears escaped your eyes.

You had your hands tightened around the guy's wrist before harshly pulling him off with you to the cliff and fastened your pace before pushing the guy off first followed by you.

The last thing you saw were their unbothered faces which makes you broke inside as the both of you fall off from the cliff.

“I regret trusting all of you.”

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