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You're now sitting on a huge spaced couch, accompanied by a bunch of devils with good looking faces who's now literally sticking on you like you're some kind of strong magnet or glue.

They're sniffing you around while you just sit there, waiting for them to be done but still not at all. “Sorry bout them, love.” Jisung suddenly said.

You just smile not until one of them literally lick your neck making you flinched which maybe triggered Chan, Changbin and the other unknown guy with brown hair.

“Hyunjin!” the three of them shout in sync.

He looked towards the three and slightly pout his lips before backing away a bit.

“Sorry bout that.”

“It's fine. Maybe they're just trying to get comfortable around me since I'm kinda unfamiliar to them.” you said politely.

The three of them nod their heads and then, one of them got off from the couch and sit on your laps which make the three gasp a bit.

That guy on your laps stare for at you for a moment before he tried to pulled out something from his back jean pocket but he stopped before looking at you again.

“Can you close your eyes for a moment?” he said almost like he whispered them to you.

You nod your head and close your eyes while waiting. It didn't take too long for you to feel somthing got attached around your neck and made a clicked sound before he told you to open your eyes.

When you opened them, the guy had a black ribbon wrapped around his fingers before you realised it's from a choker he put on you.

“Now, it's all complete. You're now ours and people will know that.” he said while leaning his head and rest it on your shoulder, face facing your neck.

“Which liner are you?” the one on your laps ask.

“00?” you answered and some of them a bit shock.

“Then, you're older than him here.” the guy name Hyunjin said as he point over the guy who looked down, avoiding your gazes.

You just hesitantly nod your head before looking at the younger guy who was looking at the elder one.

Their eye contacts aren't just the staring one but seems like they're speaking in a telepathy way before one of them turn to face you.

“Babe, he said he wanna call you Noona.

It makes him gasp and whine before he hit the elder on his arm before looking away.

“Owh, go on then. Suit yourself.” you simply said.

He just smile but still in a shy way before all of them taking their seats near you. Some of them are beside you while some of them are on the carpet.

They look at you with those sparkling big eyes which held the whole universe inside them, making you smile.

“If you don't know yet, we're your mate, bub!” the guy with brown hair said.

“Wait, I thought people only had one or two mates only?”

They just smiles and one of the younger boy held your small hand in his and intertwine them with his bigger and longer one.

“We've decided to make you as our mate since we've falling for you and like you at the same time. Since we like the same girl, we decided to share you off equally with each others.” Seungmin explained.

“Oh wait! Noona probably didn't know our names yet, right?”

You nod and he showered you with his cute gummy bright looking smiles. Then, all of them started to instroduce themselves to you one by one.

It's hard to remember their names but you get used to it easily with them. You're now still on the couch with your still intertwining hands with Jeongin who had his head rested on you while one of your arm wrapped around his shoulder.


“Hmm?” you hummed softly before slowly turning your head towards him.

“Do you like it here?”

You immediately nod your head as he started to face you as you look down to look at him. He then kissed your jaw and smile before hugging your waist.

“I love you, noona.”

“I love you too.” you replied which makes him smiles.

Then, someone tapped your shoulder which makes you to turn a bit.


“Yes, Seungmin?”

“Can you follow me?”

You nod without feeling hesitated at all before he grabbed onto your hand and held them tight in his without the others knowing.

He brought you somewhere in the mansion before the two of you arrive in front of pair grand gold doors.

He pushed them and reveal up a massive ballroom space. The room was super fancy with its huge chandelier, gold coloured curtains and window frames along with the shiny massive marble floor.

He drag you inside and stood in the middle of the room with you before pulling you in a dancing position. You put your hand in his as the other one was on his shoulder and his other hand was on your waist.

He softly pulled you close and smile as the gap between of you closed up, leaving nothing accept for the both of your bodies attached on each other.

He then smiles before the instruments played by itself. He started to make a steps which you follow along smoothly. The steps get fast by each beats which the both of you smoothly dances to before he held your hand and turn you around and it makes your body feel more lighter than you are usually.

It feels like you're floating in the air. You seems to only focused on Junseo as he had his eyes glued on you with that small smile plastered on.

The dance goes slower and slower before it turn out as a small steps only as he has his hand on your waist and then put his forehead on yours as he muttered something to you with his eyes closed.

“I've lost in your eyes, you make me crazier.”

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