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“O-oh hey, GK. What's up, why you wanna meet up?” you said while trying to be a bit confident after stuttering a bit.

He straightened himself as his hands both inside his pockets before standing in front of you, “What do you think I wanna meet up with you?”

You just shrugged before he tilt his head and smiles but that smile slowly turned into a smirk. Then, he head closer towards you as one of he pulled one of his hand off of the pocket.

As he get close enough with you, he put his knees on the bed beside your thighs. You keeps on leaning backwards and soon you only had your arms as a stand for you.

“Wanna know why?”

You just nod your head as his hand soon placed on your cheek before it went down to your neck.

“Because of this.” he said as his thumbs caressed your barely healed bite marks.

Your eyes widened a bit as that smirk never leave his face. His hand still never leave your neck and his other hand placed right beside your head.

“Hands down.” he said almost like he's whispering to you.

You just did what he say as he help you laying down on the bed mattress using his hand that held you by your head. After that, he smile in satisfaction before he caressed your head.

“It's because I'm jealous, okay?” he said in a upset tone while looking right at you.

Then, he leaned closer and removed your hair that have been covering your neck and trace it along using his fingers.

It soons stops right at your collarbone and he leaned even more closer until his nose touched your skins before decided to bite you.

But before he can, the door opened by someone and it was no other than D1, “Hey, GK-”

He stops talking once he lifted his head and saw you right under GK's body. He just stood there, face aren't even bother at all before he close the door and walked towards the both of you as he took a sit on the other side of the bed.

“Mind if I join too?” he suddenly asked.


GK shushed you up without even letting you finished up your sentences and hummed.

“Okay then.” he suddenly said which makes your eyes widened.

But before you could complain, you suddenly have yourself leaning against D1's chest while GK is still in front of you, on his knees while staring up at you.

Your hair got removed from your neck and then, GK was the first one to leaned on your collarbone before his fangs entered your flesh which makes you accidentally grabbed onto his shirt tightly.

Then, D1 goes to the other side and leaned closer as he did the same and makes your grips on GK's shirt even more tightened.

Then, D1's hand on your waist moved off towards your hand that have been clutching onto the bed mattress and intertwined with his instead.

Then, GK's hand moved towards your waist as his forefinger draws a small circle in a comforting gestures.

Your eyes slowly opened and you barely even feel yourself before your eyes met the bright shining moon on the night sky out of the window glass in front of you.

You slowly feels your wolf inside of you awakened by the moonlight that shone on your face. You even accidentally whine which make the both of them pulled away and saw your eyes especially your wolf ears.

“B-babe? What's wrong?”

You keeps on whining as your eyes never leave the bright shining moon on the sky as they both look towards the ways you're looking at.

You then slowly got off from the bed and head towards the balcony as the both of them slowly got off from the bed and stood there, watching every move of yours.

Then, you heard other footsteps heading off to the room and shocked to see your current appearance.

“Noona, what's wrong?” Junseo asked but you didn't answer before the door that lead you towards the balcony out there slam opened by wind.

Then, you started to step backwards as both D1 and GK give ways for you before you ended up behind them as they turned around to check you up.

“Hyung, what happen to noona?” Yuku asked this time.

“We're not sure. She just started to stare the moon off and keeps on whining.” GK said.

Then, you put your left foot backwards before you started to run off, making those boys scream for you who was running off towards the high balcony.

“No!” they all shout in sync.

You didn't stop but instead you're still running heading towards the balcony before you started to jumped off from there.

They started to run off towards the balcony too and see you're almost on the ground. The house was pretty high but still you manage to land off on your feet nicely before started to run towards the forest.

You're completely different from what you are before and you don't know which one you are now.

You keeps on running where your feet brought you to and the moonlight that shone above you helps you to see your ways through the forest as you ran.

As you keeps on running, you saw a glimpse of shadow but it was in silver and there's something shining around it.

The shining lines then get over to you, making you slowly stops as it circled around you from your head to toes and then it stops in front of you.

You just tilt your head to the side and the shining blue mix with purple lines turned into something else like a figure of a small fairy.

When you look up ahead you, there's more like the one in front of you. You decided to follow the things all the way in the forest and literally forget of your surroundings.

After a while of walking, the fairies are gone and literally stops in the middle of nowhere. You look around you and it was nothing at first when there's noises can be hear.

You keeps on looking around you when there millions of wolves jumped out of the bushes and try to attack you. They were all heading towards your way before the suddenly pounce on you.

You just can't have a fast reflex due to shock and one of the wolf claws are getting near of you when it get pushed by something.

Then, you let out a shaky breath before your legs gave up that makes you about to collapsed on the ground.

But before you could, someone catch you before you could hit the ground and pulled you close while warmed you up.

“Are you oka-” but before he could finished his sentences, he stops right after he met your eyes.

His eyes widened as a glint of bright neon yellow colour flashed around his orbs.


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