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[ A/N's POV ]

They can't believe their eyes. Their mate and the love of their life, jumped off the cliff and probably die since it was way too high.

It was an unsure news for them. They started to regret everything they say but got no choice for it.

“Well, it's settled now and shall we get inside baby?”

“Y-yeah, sure let's go inside.” Seungmin said before they went inside of the mansion.

Everything seems like happened to fast for them to take it especially when their mate jumping off from the cliff casually like it's nothing.

They just walk inside and sigh while forcefully dragged their feet inside, following the woman who destroyed their new happiness, their home, their everything.

‘Sorry . . .’

▫ ⭐ ❇ ⭐ ▫

In a deep forest, nine boys walking inside that thick forest with cloaks on that covered their heads as three of them held three handmade baskets with them that filled up with fresh fruits and meat they bought from the town.

While walking in the thick forest, they've met something the block their ways that leads them home. They look at each others before decided to look out for that.

As they got closer, they've met up with a male corpse that has so horrifying facial that covered up with blood. Their faces scrunched in disgust before they notice there's another corpse under the male's.

They decided to pushed the male corpse and once they turned towards the other corpse, they got something flashing off their heads as many pictures of a female appeared.

They stumbles but manage to held each other's off and stare back to the corpse that belong to a young woman in her 20's. They glance towards each others before one of them deciding to check out the pulse and it was sure that the female was dead already.

When he pulls his hand back, his fingers slightly caressed against the female's neck before a sharp pain stabbing their chests making all of them grunts before taking a deep breath to calmed themselves down.

Their eyes slightly turned red before turning back to a normal one.

“I think we should get her home now.” one of them said which the other nods after glancing towards each other.

“Here, hold this. I'll pick her up.”

After that guy passes his basket to his friend, he pick the girl up in a bridal style before all of them rushes back home after that.

⚛ ⚛ ⚛

After a while of walking, they finally arrived at their place as two of them helped to pushed off the pair of huge golden doors and make way for the one who had the girl in his arms.

He thanked his friends and brought the girl inside to a guest room as the three others just went off to the kitchen and hand the baskets to their servants before walking off to where one of their friend brought the girl in.

After the got into the guest room, they took off their cloaks and hand it over towards their servants that were heading out right after that.

“Is she dead?” the youngest one ask as the one who check the girl's pulse before nod his head.

“She is. There's nothing can be feel beating.”

“What are we suppose to do now? We can't just have her dying.”

They started to glance towards each others before looking towards the pale looking female.

“I notice something before we get home. I think you guys might know it.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Remember when the time we get a sudden pain stabbing our chest before?”

The others nod their head and wait for him to continued which he does, “Didn't any of you guys noticed that something shining around her neck area, cause I did notice something shined brightly on the neck area.”

They started to get curious as one of them decided to check the neck area. The two of them slowly pulled the collar a bit to see something that one of their friend mentioned.

The other side seems empty but the other side aren't cause one of the two had his eyes widened before he slowly turn to face the others.

“Well, there's a mark here.”

The others get curious and decided to take a look which there was a mate marks on her skin drawn perfectly as half of the marks are still black and the other half already colourful.

“It's still black but why? Wait, hyung this marks she have are similar to us!” one of the elder member said before they scanned at each other necks.

“It is same! That's mean, she's our mate! But, why is it still black?”

None of them know the answer and just shake their heads of while some of them shrugs their shoulders.

“It seems like she's jumping off of the cliff in purpose.”

They're worriedly stared at the girl's pale face which makes them upset since they've just found their love.

“What we're gonna do?” one of the younger line asked before one of the elder line have their attentions laid on him.

“Wait, I've heard these methods from a friend of mine. She said if your mate are dying or dead already, the only way to bring them back alive was by . . .

Biting them.

They were shock and nervously glance towards each others, “Are you sure about that?”

“We can at least try to see the result. None of us want her to be dead like this, right?”

They slowly nod their heads as he continued again, “That is why we gotta test this method out. It'll probably brought her back alive at least.”

They just started to agreed over the idea and decided to brought out a bowl of water and napkins for emergency used.

“So right now, I want someone who have the best control of their blood thirst to do it. Who would it be?”

All of the others started to point out towards one of the elder line which makes a smile appeared on his lips.

“I knew it would be you, Teo hyung.

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