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It's been four days already and you still can't seem to control your powers yet. It's hard especially when you have to learned your wolf and vampire powers.

Tamara is a nice person with beautiful soul who always there to help you when you struggles to learn them. She always took a good care of you and always make sure that you never starve or stressed yourself.

Speaking of you, you're now sitting by the window while staring out of the window glass, enjoying the view of snow falling off from the sky.

It's been cold a few days already which you're now holding a cup of hot chocolate to warm yourself up as Tamara still in her office.

You don't exactly know what she's doing but decided to mind your own problem since they've been crowding your mind with the stuff.

Later, you decided to left your room and went off to the living room with your comfy slippers on. You took a small sips of your hot chocolate while heading downstairs.

You had an oversized sweater on with a sweatpants that a bit baggy which warmed you up. You also had your hair untied. Then, you put your cup on the coffee table before decided to stretch your arms off.

While stretching, your eyes stops right on the window glass which showed you a perfect vied of snowy backyard there. You put your arms down and decided to head outside without any hoodie on.

You went off towards the BACK DOOR and twisted the door knob before pushing the door off, revealing the snowy backyard there. It's not huge yet not too small which you like it. Then, you put on your comfy boots before stepping outside of the door frame.

After you step outside, you inhaled deeply and started to took more steps forwards and then ended up in the middle of the yard. After that, you decided to stand still in your spot with your head tilt upwards facing the clear skies as snow land off on your face.

Then, you face forwards again this time as you had you stare to the forest in front of you. Instead of seeing trees, you saw pair of dark crimson red eyes that stares right into your souls.

Then, a voice can be heard and those pair of red eyes even appeared a huge smiled mouth that looks creepy. It was a deep whisper seems like from the pair of eyes.

“Close your eyes. Close them tightly.”

Without noticing or aware of anything, you closed your eyes as the whispers sounds gets closer like there's someone whispering beside you.

There's a few flashbacks appeared and it was you with some people and there's two adult beside you. You didn't know who they were since you've forgot how your parents looks like. You lost them literally when you're still a kid without any knowledge or memories of your parents faces.

All you remember were your parents told you to hide and ran save yourself but you never get to saw their faces since it's blurry for your visions.

Everything were just blurry memories for you which were difficult enough. As for the voice, it keeps getting closer each seconds and it makes you squint your eyes tightly before a hand lands on your shoulder which makes your eyes immediately shot open.

It was a bit blurry but then went back to normal for you to see the person in front of you.

“What are you doing out here!? You're gonna catch a cold with those outfit only!” he said as he took his coat off and wrapped it around you.

While focusing on him, you suddenly feel a hot liquid above your upper lips which when you lift your arm, he stare at action before noticing something on you.

You just casually wiped the warm liquid off and stare at your finger only to see a dark crimson red painted on your index finger.

You look towards him as he had his eyes widened before panicking, “Your nose is bleeding! Let me take you inside!”

With no any warning or anything, he sweeps you off from the ground and hurriedly brought you inside. He steps inside and hurriedly brought you to the living room.

It was only two of them and one of them was sitting on the couch, playing with his fingers before his eyes traveled towards your directions.

“What happened?!” the one on the couch asked in concern.

“She get nose bleed maybe because of the temperature outside, especially when she was only with her normal indoor outfit.” he answered.

Then, he put you on the couch as your body literally leaned against the one who was sitting on the couch. Then, the previous one who pick you up ran upstairs maybe to get something while the one you leaned on help you to take the coat off and just throw it off but still manage to hang on the coat hangers.

“What are you doing out there hmm?” he asked softly.

“I don't know. I just feel like I want to.” you politely answered before a hand caressed your head.

“Don't do it next time, okay?”

“Okay.” you shortly answered.

He then pulled your body more closer and wrapped his arms around you as you slowly feels that heat got transferred to you.

“Warm enough?” he asked.


With that he just hummed and continued on heating you up before in a split second the seven others popped up in the living room in confusion.

Not until they saw you, those confused faces of theirs eventually disappeared seeing you with your blood there.

“Why is she bleeding?!” they asked in sync before the one who heat you up calmed them down.

“Nose bleed only.”

“Oh.” they said in sync.

With that, they took a sit on the opposite couch of the both of you when the previous guy who picked you up back with a thick blanket and some wet tissues.

He then put the pack of wet tissues on the table before covering you up with the blanket and then took a sit on the available spaces beside your hips.

Then, he took the pack of wet tissues again and pulled one out before putting the pack on his laps.

With that, he scooted closer towards you and dabbed the wet tissue on your blood to clean them off.

“Why are you so unaware off your surroundings huh?”

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