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The morning cold wind softly brushed against your face and your neatly tied hair. It makes you shiver a bit before you decided to pull the hood upwards and put your hands inside the pockets.

You have your iPods on while heading off to the school. It's your first day of school at new place since you've moved away from your hometown due to some cases back there.

While enjoying the music you listened to, you almost didn't realise that you arrived in front of the gate. Before entering, you scan your student ID card. After a green light with a smiley face emoji showed up, you step inside after the gate and head off to your locker.

The corridors were filled up by male students mostly who look at you like you've did something wrong. You just ignored those stares and unlocked the lock of your locker.

You open it up and put your other stuffs in before closing it back up and left to your classroom. Since you have the map in your phone, you just followed it up. Before heading off to class, you went off to the vending machine and get yourself a mineral water.

After that, you continued to walk off to the classroom and the corridors were empty already except for some students left.

After a while of walking, you finally arrive in front of the classroom's door. Then, you knocked on the door surface as the teacher's voice inside stop. By the voice, it's seems like it was a male teacher.

Once the door opened, a 40's looking man with glasses hang on his nose bridge as he look at you before realizing. “Oh, It's you! Come in!”

He opened the door more wide and let you step inside first before he closed the door again and head off to his table as you stand beside him near his desk.

“So everyone, today, a new student will be joining us. Her name is Y/L/N and please, be polite and take a good care of her okay?”

“Yes, Mr Ronald!” all of the students answered in sync.

“Good and Y/N, please have a sit beside Jinhee over there.” he said while pointing towards the girl directions.

“Thank you.” you said after bowing and he just nod his head.

You left to the empty table beside Jinhee and immediately sit there after you took your backpack off.

“So, I'll be having a meeting and please behave.”

All of the stydents nod their heads before the teacher left to go meeting.

“Hi there! I'm Jinhee!”

“Y/N and nice to meet you.” you answered.

She brightly smiles and leaned closer as her arms crossed over on the desk. “So, are you new around this town?”

“No, not really. I've been here for a weeks already so yeah might not troubled me a lot.”

She nod her head and then pull her chair close to yours before whispering. “Hey, wanna know something?”

You nod your head which she quietly whisper, “Do you see those boys?”

You looked over to the tables which she mentioned and nod before turning back to her. “And?”

“And I want you to stay away from them.”

You just weirdly looked at her and raised one of your brow, completely confused by her words. “Why?”

“They're bad boys.”

You just mouthed her an 'O' and curiously wait for her to explain the whole things from A to Z.

“They're like a human-spider.”

“Why are they called like that?”

“Cause they're totally a flirt who attract girls and then just wheww~” she said while making an arm waves and then an explosion sign.

“Is it that bad?”

She nod her head and grab onto your arm. “Please stay away from them, okay. I don't want my bean get stolen away.”

You just nod and decided to listen to her before softly pat her back. She then finally let your arm go and decided to talk a bit when the conversation got interrupted.

“Hey there, pretty baby.”

You looked towards the person and it was one of the ‘human-spider’ boy Jinhee said a few minutes ago.

“What do you want, Hyunjin?” Jinhee protectively said.

“I want to talk with her of course.”

Jinhee scoffed and put her arm in front of you, “Sorry, she wasn't interest.”

“Aww, please Jinhee. I just wanna get to know this pretty baby that's all.”

“No is a no, Hyunjin. Now move off.”

That Hyunjin guy just pout before his pout turn into a smug smile and flirty eyes. “She might need more friends, Jinhee.”

Jinhee just clicked her tongue and hide you behind her, “She doesn't need a friends like you guys.”

“Really?” Hyunjin ask.

Jinhee was about to answered his question but before she could, that Hyunjin guy suddenly disappear. Instead, he appeared behind you and held both of your shoulders as he put his chin on one of your shoulder.

“How did you know she doesn't want to be friend with us, hm?”

“Hyunjin, let her go!” Jinhee said in a dominating tone.

You can feel that Hyunjin was smirking there before you slowly feel his hot breath hit your neck as his lips slightly caressed your ear shell.

“You're such a main attraction aren't you, pretty baby?” he whispered to your ear.

Before he could whispered further more, the both of your get split away from each other.

“Don't get near her no more, Hyunjin.”

Jinhee then pulled you softly by your wrist and left the classroom. While walking away from there, you turned to look at Hyunjin and his eyes turned into a bright yellow with a smirk plastered on.

You still stare at him but immediately get snapped out by Jinhee. When you look back at Hyunjin, his eyes were black which confused you a lot.

Then, you look to your front and knitted your eyebrows together as you still trying to understand what you just saw.

‘It's probably nothing. Or is it?’

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