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It was finally Friday and you're still in your room, wrapping the bandage around your arm. Then, you tied your hair and sigh heavily after seeing your bruises on your face.

Since you're lazy to covered it up using makeup and you're not a makeup person, you just use a vaseline cream and then wear a new hoodie off.

You turn on your heels towards the door and left after grabbing your phone and your iPods.

When you're outside already, you put on the iPods and pull the hood over your head before putting a random songs on.

Then, you slips your phone inside your pocket and walked off to school with you full volume. You keeps on walking and keeps on your resting face.

After yesterday incidents, you've got no mood the whole night until today that's why and you hate it when you get mad. After a while later, you finally arrive at school.

Youngji, Jinhee and Tamara aren't coming to school that day since yesterday they've told you about a personal problem.

You glad that they didn't have to see your state now. When you arrive at school, many male students look towards you as you had your hood on, making it hard to see your face.

You just keeps on walking without even noticing that bunches of male students standing at that parking lot while looking at you curiously.

When you've get inside already, you directly went off to your locker and then decided to not take anything from there and close it back.

Then, you head off to class and slide the door open with only one person there. You just ignored him and went off to your sit before resting your head on the table.

Not long after that, someone tap on your shoulder. “What?”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah. ”

Then, it was quiet which you take that as him nodding and left you alone but you're wrong. He didn't even left your table. Instead, he ask more questions which you answer shortly.

He sounds like he's getting bored of your short answers. “What is wrong with you-”

“What is wrong with me? None of your fucking business!” you suddenly cut him off by shouting.

Your head snaps to him before you've said it but he seems shock of you after you're done with your words.

“Listen, just fucking leave me alone now!”


“FUCKING. LEAVE. NOW!” you said in annoyance.

You hood suddenly slip down from your head which make him stood there with his eyes widened a bit.

He then just left the class and you just sigh heavily before putting your head back again on the table.

Not long after that, someone pulled you by your hood making your head lift off from the table. You're about to complain but he suddenly appeared in front of you right on your table.

He was sitting there and look down at you in a serious way. You roll your eyes and glare at him while him taking off something from a box beside him.

“What now?” you said while crossing your arms over your chest.

“Shut up.”

You scoffed by his comment, “You nutshell-”

He put the things down and lean closer towards your face with his head tilt to the side. Your breath hitched when he did that as he lean closer towards your ear.

“You better stop talking first before I make you, baby.”

He then pulled away and stare at your face while waiting for any response from you. You just glare at him which he nod in satisfaction. “Just like what I want.”

Then, he pick up the cotton again and pat it on your bruises making you hiss and gritted your teeth which make a small smile appeared on his lips.

A while later, he throw away the cotton and put the other stuffs inside the box before turning to face you while he's still on the table.

You just face the other way when you feel that he's gone from the table. You look towards the table and he's really gone. You feel bad for real that you've shout at him which make you let out a sigh.

But then, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and you've got a bit higher which makes you turned around and realise that you're sitting on his laps.

“Is it hurt?”

“What hurt?”

“Those bruises?”

“Oh . . .” you paused, “A bit.”

He then just sigh and turned your body around until you're fully facing him. Since you're afraid of falling off, you put both of your hands on his shoulders as he still stare right into your eyes.

Since you're aren't too tall, even while sitting on his laps you still had your eyes at the same level as his.

He then put his hand on your cheek and caress them using his thumb as his eyes slowly changed its color.

It mixed up yellow and blue with make it turn into the other color after that. He was examining everything on you as his hand still caressing your cheek while the other one is on your waist.

“You're so beautiful, Luna.”

You look at him in a questionable way after as the word ‘Luna’ slips off from his lips.

“C-Changbin, I'm not Luna and I think you're mistaken-”

You are the Luna.

It makes you gulp as then he sniffs your neck up to your chin before pulling himself away. He had his eyes closed but when he open them, the colour of his eyes get brighter as they glow before he pulled you close by your neck and attached his lips on yours.

It shock you when he did it as your hand on his shoulders now clutching against his shirt. But then, his hand that is on your waist pulled hand and intertwine them with his bigger one.

But slowly you kissed him back which make his intertwining fingers fidget around your small ones and held it tight.


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