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Later that morning~


All of them were shot awake by that super loud voice of someone shouting. All of them immediately look around in full speed, hair like a bunch of bird nests with swollen eyes and tired looking faces.

“What?!” all of them shout in sync with a small sign of annoyance in their voice.



All of them had their eyes widened once they saw the previous couch where the girl laid on are now empty.

All of them eventually went panic as hell not until one of their servant came in and weirdly stare at them all.

“Umm, Young Masters?”

All of them snapped their head towards him before starting to act normal and clear their throats.

“Yes, Miguel?”

“Are you perhaps looking for the girl from yesterday, Young Masters?”

They all awkwardly nod their heads before the servant laugh a bit and smile at the end. “She left early this morning. She even told me to thanked all of Young Masters for yesterday and she even cooked the breakfasts by herself.”

“Why did you let her use the kitchen? She could get hurt.”

“She insist to cook the breakfasts and she even prepared the box lunches for all of Young Masters. She said those foods she cooked were sign as she thanked all of Young Masters for taking care of her.”

They all just nod a bit before asking question again, “Wait, did she know the way back home?”

“I told one of your servant to give her a ride home this morning. Anything else, Young Masters?”

They all just shake their heads as the servant then excused himself off. Then all of them left to go shower after having breakfasts together and head right away to school.


You turned yourself around and saw Jinhee along with Youngji and a girl who you assumed to be Tamara.

“Hey guys.” you greeted back while giving them a small yet visible wave.

“Good morning! Oh, here meet-”

“Tamara, I assume?” you quickly said as the taller girl nod her head with a smile plastered on.

“You assume correctly girl!” she said while pulling her hand out for you to shake which you gladly accept.

“Hold up, what's wrong with your cheek?”

You looked over your phone screen and mentally cursed at yourself for forgetting to covered the bruise up.

“Oh! It's just a small accident. I accidentally injured myself yesterday.” you lied but they still believe it.

With that small talks, all of you headed off to school in a unusual weather. It was windy and cold and the cloud were slightly darker for a morning view.

Without caring too much bout it, the four of you guys just keep on walking until you guys arrived in front of the school gate.

All the four of you scan your ID cards and head inside directly to your lockers but since Youngji and Jinhee had their lockers on the second floor including their classes, the four of you parted ways.

You're now talking with Tamara while putting the other stuffs inside. After you close the locker, and was turning around since Tamara had her locker opposite yours.

But when you turned, you accidentally bumped onto someone's chest. It makes you letting out a small yelp.

Then, you lift your head and met the person who was standing with him facing you. Since the height between you and him were having to much different, he had to lowered his head more and you had to lift your head more.

“Hey there, cutie!”

“Umm hey . . ?”

He then giggles and lowered his body even more so that you can talk in a comfortable way with him.

“I'm Jisung and how are you feeling today?” he softly asked as he stare directly into your eyes.

“B-better. Anyway thanks for t-taking c-care of me yesterday. I owe you guys for that.”

You feels like you wanna slap yourself for stuttering in front of him when he laughed a bit.

“No need to. You've repay them by making our breakfasts tho. And thanks for making them.”

You just nod your head and when you glance over to Tamara, she had a smug smile on her face.

“Well then, I g-gotta go to class now.”

He nod and you move to the side before heading off towards Tamara and held on her arm. But before you could leave, a hand grabbed you by your arm but softly and turned you around.

It was still Jisung. He had himself focusing on something in his fingers and then he pulled you closed by your school uniform necktie before lowering himself as your height.

Then, he lean closer and put on something on your cheek bone. He was doing it all softly and carefully like you're some kind of a child.

“There you go, cutie.”

You touched your cheek and then met his eyes before thanking him for the plaster. “Thank you.”

He just smile and ruffles your hair a bit before heading off to his friends who were looking at you.

Then, you and Tamara just head off to class with Tamara keeps on teasing you along the way.

Both of you had History class but as usual, the teacher absent along with the other classes you had.

After the both of you arrive at the classroom, you take the back seats and started to talk a bit as the other students entered them.

“Tamara, why is this school having a small amount of female students?”

“It's because they said that their child prefers other school than here since this school aren't the best.”

You nod and then decided to ask her your unanswered questions. “Tamara, I keeps on seeing students' eyes here glowing into other colours. Do you know why?”

“Ah yes! I thought those two have told you about this.”

You shake your head, “No, they did not. They keeps on avoiding the questions by changing the topics.”

“Okay so listen . . .”

You then lean closer towards her as she did the same and inhale deeply.

“Students here aren't human.

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