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You seems like you can't move your body and shout for help. You feel helpless especially with his hot breath hit your neck and a there's sharp tips caressing your skin slightly.

But before he could do anything to you, he have flew away from you which makes you finally can feel your legs but it was shaking badly which makes you stumble backwards.

But before you could feel your body hit the cold yet hard marble floor, a firm arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you close.

You looked towards the person and you really couldn't believe your eyes. It's one of those so called ‘human- spider’ boy.

His eyes were bright yellow and then, he teared his gazes off from yours as he glared at the guy there.

“You shouldn't touch what's isn't yours!”

That guy just smirk and when he made eye contact with you, the guy who had you in his arm had flew away from you as your body being held in the air.

Then, he just get you in his arms like he was only using a magnet to pull an iron related stuffs.

“Even though she's not mine, her blood are going to be mine.” he said and started to laugh like a mad person.

Then, he turned to face you, who was floating in the air before he pulled you real close. “It's such a waste if I let a pretty prey like her, don't you think?”

His index finger was right under your chin before he lift your head by your chin and started to smelled your scent through your neck. Something's around your neck was choking you and slowly getting into a really tight hold.

“We can share if you want to-”

But before he could finish his words, he flew backwards along with you who have been floating in the air now dropped to the cold marble floor.

Due to the impact, blood gurgled out from your mouth as you held your neck. Then, you feel your body slowly went numb and weak which make you slowly rest your head on the floor.

You're now facing the ceiling before someone appeared in your vision and pick your body up as he rest your head on his arm.

“Hang on, please. I'll take you home.” he said softly before picking you up in a bridal style.

While walking, you stares at him at his face while heavily breathing. “Where are w-we g-going?”

“To our place. Don't worry, we'll take care of you.”

You just breathed out and slowly rested your hand on his chest before he pulled your body close to his.

He then adjust your position as he held you by only one of his arm, head resting on his shoulder while facing his neck. One of his other arm caressed your head before he put it beside him.

“We're almost there. Hang on.” he softly muttered while he pull your head closer towards his neck and caressed your hair softly.

Since you're really weak at the moment, you've passed out while he was on his way bringing you to ‛their’ place.

“What the hell?! Why are you kidnapping pretty baby?!”

“I wasn't kidnapping her, Hyunjin. She's injured by some kind of crazy fella at school.” he explained as he slowly put the girl's body down on the couch.

“But how-”

He let out a sigh, “You guys decided to left the school earlier remember?”

“Ah yes right.”

He then just shake his head and crouched down to examined any heavy injuries but seems like she wasn't having one except for scratch and bruised on her face.

“Can any of you aid her up while I clean up?”

“I'll do it!”

He then flashed a smiles before patting his friend's shoulder, “I know I can rely on you, Seungmin.”

That guy just nod and he left to go clean up as the others busy taking care of that girl.

Not long after that, all of them were at the living room as their eyes not leaving the girl.

“So, what now?”

“Maybe we can rest and wait for her to be awake maybe tomorrow.”

All of them nodded and started to lay themselves around but still near the couch.

“Are you sure this is a good idea, Chan hyung?”

Chan just nod his head and they then just shrug it off before closing their eyes. “So, no one gonna switch off the lamp?”

“I'll do it!”

“Thanks a lot, Jisung!”

“Good night, everyone!”

“Good night too!”

With that, all of them went off to sleep after making sure nothing's going to happen in that tired night of theirs.

‘Tomorrow's gonna be a long day to deal off with. Especially with that crazy fella.’

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