movies and romance

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Every one decided to have a small party and since Varun's mom and dad were on a business trip and his sister and Shraddha's sister were having night out their friends decided to have a movie night and so the boys except for Varun went to shop all the food needed and girls and varun were cleaning up. Shraddha was waiting for them as all of them strictly forbid her from cleaning.
After they were done cleaning the boys returned shortly. When they saw the cover they saw they had also brought can beer. The girls started scolding them but then it was of no use so they stopped. They decided to watch a horror movie. Shraddha and varun sat at the either end of the sofa. Slowly their friends started coming and asked varun to sift and soon he was next to shraddha and that too very close. The movie started and all were watching. The girls except for kiara and raghav were getting scared.
Shraddha was clutching the pillow and varun was looking at her with amusement. Suddenly a ghost came and shraddha hugged Varun out of fear. Varun was little taken back at first but then he smiled and held shraddha's hand. Shraddha was too scared to notice and varun was smiling at her all the time. After the movie was done they played several games and the boys were drinking and they made Varun drink too.
After all was done the girls picked up the drunk boys and told shraddha they were leaving when shraddha said " Guys its very late besides who would drive the car? You guys stay here for the night "
" No shraddha it's fine besides we have to go to college tomorrow so it's fine and kiara is their na to drive the car so don't worry" Said Alia.
"Ok so let me at least help you carry the boys to the car."
" No no its take care of your boyfriend" Nora smirked and said.
"H...he is not my boyfriend"
"Ya sure" Said kiara
"Really guys"
" Ok ok fine but you go and help him we are leaving "
"Ok bye guys and drive safely and message me when you all reach"
"Ya ya now bye" Said nora
After they left shraddha went inside and saw varun sleeping on sofa and saw the little mess and decided to clean. She tried to but couldn't do it and so she just put the pizza boxes and beer cans to a side and went to wake varun up.
She called him but there was no response and so she tapped him several times still no response and she was not in a condition to carry him and so she decided to bring blanket to him and when she was about to leave varun pulled her down and made her sit on the table opposite to him. She was little taken back. Varun stared at her for few seconds before going close to her and kissed her. Shraddha was now fully shocked. Before she could say or do anything her pulled out and went back to sleep.
"You... You dumbo..." She stamped her feet and at that time she got the message in the group chat that they have reached she looked at varun in annoyance and flustered and then went back to being the blanket. At first she was going to sleep their only but after this little incident she didn't want to repeat that and so after covering varun with blanket she went back to her bedroom and tried to sleep.
First of all Merry Christmas to all!!
I was actually going to upload it on 30th but thought of giving you guys a Christmas gift😉
Soooo how was the chapter?
Hope you liked it.
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