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Shraddha then said "ok so since you have come i have to go for my part-time job"
"Oh... You have another part time job?" Again her pretended as if he didn't knew.
"Why do you work this much...i mean judging from your house you aren't that poor"
She was hesitant at first and then he said "uh...i just love working so instead of sitting ideally i can just work right!?"
He was suspicious of her answer but didn't say anything.
" were you work?"
Shraddha was irritated because of his personal questions but she didn't show it.
"Um at a restaurant named Four Seasons."
"Oh that's a nice restaurant"
"Ya... Um so now i will be late so... Bye"
He didn't want her to leave but he didn't have any choice. As she was leaving she got a brilliant idea. Her called her out "Shraddha"
"Um i was thinking that i should drop you"
"No no it's fine why should you trouble yourself just to drop me"
"No it's fine anyways we had planned to eat dinner from outside so i thought why not drop you and eat it from there only"
"Umm..." She wanted to reject the offer but she didn't know how to do it.
"Come on think about your sister and even pihu wants ruhi to come with her"
Shraddha glanced towards pihu and she was looking at her with puppy eyes and so she gave in. The two children were sitting at the back talking and Shraddha was sitting at front with Varun but they were silent  the whole ride.
They finally reached the restaurant and Shraddha thanked him and she and her sister went inside first.
She made her sister sit at the corner and she changed into her uniform.

She made her sister sit at the corner and she changed into her uniform

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She started talking orders and finally varun called for his order. She quickly wrote down whatever he said. As she was going Varun asked Shraddha to join them she immediately declined as she said she can't eat during her work time. He called the manager. The manager was a big fan of him and so when he asked her to let Shraddha continue after she ate she immediately agreed and so shraddha had no other option but to agree. Varun went to ruhi and picked her up and made her sit beside pihu. Shraddha quickly made the dishes and she served it at Varun's table.

She grabbed a jacket and went to Varun's table

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She grabbed a jacket and went to Varun's table. She asked him to come with her for a minute. She told him that she will pay hers and ruhi's order. Varun was not agreeing at first but after seeing no choice he agreed.

Shraddha just ordered a pasta from which she only took two bites rest was for ruhu

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Shraddha just ordered a pasta from which she only took two bites rest was for ruhu. Varun said that the tomato soup was ordered for both pihu and ruhi as pihu will not be able to finish it alone. She agreed. They were eating quietly except of course the children. Shraddha was first one to finish eating so she resumed her work after that. After she cleaned Varun's table she was done with her work and so she went to the counter and paid her money. Varun said that he will drop her. At first shraddha refused but after he says that it's not safe as it's late night, she thought about her sister and agreed. She said she will wait outside. He went to the counter and paid for Shraddha's order too and asked the manager to add Shraddha's money on her salary. When he turned around he saw Shraddha looking at him angrily. She was gonna ask the manager to return the money but Varun was quick and he dragged her out. Shraddha greeted at him "see Varun i understand you want to help but i don't want you sympathy" she was going again when Varun pulled her and said "Shraddha you really think I'm doing this for sympathy!?"
"Then what else would it be?"
"Because...i li...i mean consider you as a friend and so friends do this to each other."
"No i don't think friends do this"
"They do. Even my friends pay for me sometimes"
She sighed.
"So... Friends?"
"Only if i pay for the ice-cream"
He didn't want to agree... But since he wanted a step forward he agreed.
They went to the ice-cream Parlour. Both the children ordered strawberry and shraddha ordered chocolate as usual and Varun butterscotch. After that varun dropped her and she thanked him and he went to his house.
He was happy that he and shraddha are now friends and hoped that one day they could be more than that.
So sorry guys for not uploading this days but blame bts for it... Actually i recently became an army and I'm watching all their videos and so couldn't upload... Anyways because of that i uploaded two chapters in a day.
Hope you liked the previous one and this one.
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