Redder than a tomato

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Shraddha's look

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Shraddha's look

Shraddha's look

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Varun's look

After they were done with the breakfast shraddha was going to her room to get ready when varun stopped her and asked her where is she going to that she replied " Um college..."

"No shraddha you can't go until you are recovered fully or at least you are able to walk properly"
"I'm able to walk properly"
"No you are not. You are still having the weakness"
"No Varun I'm fine besides i can't wait till that long exams are coming up and i wanna graduate with good marks"
"Ok i will ask one of our friends to send you notes everyday but will not go to college"
"No it's fine i will go to college"
"No shraddha"
"Yes varun"
"So you are not gonna listen?"
"Ok then...MOM see shraddha wants to go to college in this condition"
Varun's mom came rushing to them and told shraddha to not to college and she couldn't deny her and so she just nodded and glared at Varun who was smirking at her.
After Varun's mom left for work she was just leaving college when she heard Varun calling her. She got startled. Varun came to her and asked " Shraddha where are you going?"
"Um...i was just going for a walk"
"Then why are you talking your college bag with you?"
"Ohh...that's know...i just miss going to college so i just wanted the feeling of college"
"You really shouldn't lie because you are really bad at it. Shraddha you are not going to college at least for a week"
"A week is too long"
" Yes but you health is more important"
"I can manage Varun...I'm going"
"No shraddha"
"Yes Varun"
"Fine then don't blame me"
"Blame you? For what?"
"For this" He picked her up and took her to the bedroom and put her down the bed.
"Varun this is not done"
"You have to rest shraddha now go to sleep" She pouted but went to sleep nonetheless.


After a hour or so shraddha woke up and got out to see Varun setting the table for lunch. After he was done he saw shraddha struggling to come down and so he helped her and made her sit and served her lunch. He also sat and started having lunch when he saw shraddha was struggling to eat and so he helped her eat. She at first denied but he didn't give her much choice. While eating some food was left on her lips so when Varun came closer Shraddha's breath stopped for a second and she became full red. Varun saw that started laughing and said "you are blushing are more red than a tomato"
"Am not"
"Yes you are"
"I'm going"
"Oh no not this time" He pulled her closer without hurting her and locked his arms on her waist. "What are you doing!"
"Nothing i just love to see you blush"
"I was not"
"Really!? Ok then we have to check it"
She immediately looked away. " Why are you looking away if you don't blush by looking at me this close "
"Because...because i don't want to"
"Oh is it. Admit it shraddha you have the same feelings i have for you"
"Really!? You don't feel anything when we are this close"
"No" He pulled her more close
Now their lips where almost touching
Sorry for leaving you at this😅not really😌
Anyways its a long chapter hope it makes up for not updating for so long.
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