I'm sorry

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Next day shraddha woke up and went to prepare breakfast for her and varun. She saw Varun still asleep in sofa. She also prepared lemon juice for varun. After few minutes varun woke up with his hand resting on his head. Shraddha went to him and gave him the lemon juice. Varun took it and said thanks. Usually shraddha would respond to him but today she did not as she was angry with him. Varun noticed it and asked "did something happen to you?"
She sighed and said "you don't remember anything do you?"
"Um...i remember we were watching movie last night and then playing games...that's it"
"That's it!?"
"Ya...did something happen between us last night?"
"No. Nothing. I want to go college today."
"No shraddha i already told you that you are not going until you are fully recovered"
"But my notes..."
"I will get it to you"
"Not only that i need to be in classes to understand"
"I will help you out. You won't go that's final"
"I will"
"Will not"
"If you do that i will kiss you"
"You already did last night so doesn't matt-"
She closed her mouth immediately. Both were silent for a minute. One of shocked and the other one was embarrassed. After some minutes Varun finally spoke "um...so i kissed you huh..."
"Ya...you were pretty drunk i guess"
"Hmm... I'm sorry for kissing you without your consent"
"It's okay now eat your breakfast and then we will leave for college"
"Shraddha...i told you that-"
"I will not write anything pakka... I will only listen to what the teacher is saying and i will maintain my distance with everyone"
Varun sighed but agreed any way.
They ate breakfast and then left for college.
Sorry for the short chapter...i promise next one will be long.
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