What's is the truth?

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The next day shraddha woke up earlier then usual and was thinking how to hide the bandage on her forehead. She didn't wish to skip the college and moreover she thought it would be better if she went to college as she didn't wanted to face her step father... Not after he warned her about torturing her more today. She went to the bathroom and thought about cutting her hair to cover her front part so she did the fringes. As she was a good and fast learner she learned it from YouTube.

 As she was a good and fast learner she learned it from YouTube

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And she thought of wearing hoodie so it would cover the back of her head

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And she thought of wearing hoodie so it would cover the back of her head.

After she was done she went down to check whether her stepfather is there or not

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After she was done she went down to check whether her stepfather is there or not. Thankfully he was not there and so she quickly made breakfast for her sister and she ate a banana. She thought of going early today and so after her sister was done she went straight to college. Usually she rests for a while in the park near the college but today she wanted to be the first one in the class so she can check that her wounds are hidden properly and also to take the corner seat so she won't be noticed.
She enters the class and fortunately no one was there, she went to the corner seat and rests her head in the table.


Varun woke up early hoping to pick shraddha on his way to college but to his disappointment she had already left the house and so he went to college dejected.
When he reached the college he saw nora talking with her friends and beside her Shraddha was resting her head on the table and she had a new haircut. For him she looked even more beautiful. He finally came back to his senses and went to sit beside Raghav who was on the other row beside Nora and shraddha's table.
He greeted his friends and then the teacher came.
During lecture Varun and Raghav were not concentrating and were busy talking that they didn't even see the teacher had stopped the lecture and was looking at them.
When she finally called their name they looked at her. She asked them to change their seats with Nora and Shraddha. Raghav was not listening to her but Varun somehow convinced him not because he felt bad for the teacher but he wanted to sit beside shraddha. And so Nora and varun exchanged their seats and the teacher went back to her lecture.

hey both greeted each other. While copying the notes varun was sneaking glances at Shraddha and then he noticed that Shraddha was not able to write her notes. She kept on touching her wrists and hissing everytime she touched it. Varun went to the teacher and told her about this and so she called Shraddha and asked her to go to the medical room. Shraddha told her that there is nothing wrong but she didn't listen and so she asked varun to accompany her.
The doctor after checking it she told her that it can be a fracture or a sprain. She needs to take an x-ray to check that. As their college had that facility they checked it and the doctor told her that it is a sprain. She quickly put the bandage on her and told her that it would take atleast a week if properly taken care or else 2 weeks to the max. After that she excused herself. Varun was looking at shraddha suspiciously all the time and so after the doctor went when shraddha was also leaving he called her name. She turned to him with a confused look.
" How did you get hurt?"
"Um... I don't know either"
"Really!? I don't believe you"
"Seriously i don't know... Now we are getting late and i don't wanna miss anymore so let's just go"
She was going to go when varun grabbed her other hand and pushed her gently to the door.
"I know you are hiding something shraddha. Please tell me it is for your own good."
"Seriously nothing is wrong. You are assuming it wrong. See we are getting late let's go"
Since the door was a glass door when Shraddha moved varun saw some small red colour in the glass door. He immediately saw a tiny red dot on shraddha's hoodie.
He grabbed her shoulder " shraddha wait! Did you get hurt because of me... I'm so sorry i didn't mean to push you so hard. Let me check it please."
Shraddha immediately panicked "no no it's fine it's nothing... It's not because of you... Let's go before the lecture ends."
"No it's because of me let me check please"
"No Varun it's okay let's just go"
Varun was not listening to her and so he grabbed both her hands by arm with his one hand and used the other to pull down the hoodie.
He saw she already had a bandage around her head. Now he got more suspicious.
"Now I'm 100% sure something is going on and it's bad. No wonder you got a new haircut all of a sudden."
"It's not because of this"
"Then why did you do a haircut all of a sudden"
"I just wanted to try a new look."
"Yes now if you excuse me if you don't wanna attend the lecture your wish... But i have to go."
"Now what!"
"You have to get re-dressed...or else it will stain your whole hoodie and everyone will get to know this and then whatever you are trying so hard to hide will be exposed."
"I'm not hiding anything"
"Ya and I'm SRK"
Shraddha rolled her eyes but she followed him nonetheless.
He made her sit on the bed and went to search for first aid. After he found it he went to Shraddha and put the new bandage. After it was done he said to her
"You won't be able to hide it long shraddha and i will find the truth anyhow. So don't worry"
And then Shraddha decided that she will have to be more careful now.
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