The mishap

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It has been a week after the competition and shraddha's mom had also come back. She wasn't able to say anything as she was still scared and so Varun told everything what used to happen when she wasn't there and what did happen when he found out. Shraddha's mom was shocked and was shattered as she thought it was her fault. If she wouldn't have married to that man her daughter wouldn't had to face all of that. Shraddha understood her mother was blaming herself and so she went to her and hugged her and said "mom it's not your just wanted us not to be lonely and wanted to give us a father's's not your fault that man turned out like that"
"But still beta, partly it is my fault, i should have checked his background before marrying him."
"No it is not because he did a good thing in hiding his background also even i thought he will be a good father at first so it is not your fault so stop blaming yourself ok?"
Her mother nodded and they again hugged each other.
Then varun's mom spoke "ok now enough of crying let's have a small party, varun invite your friends as well...and you both (shraddha and her mom) go get ready and i will prepare"
At that time shraddha spoke "aunty let me help you"
"No you go get ready"
"No but go"
She didn't have any choice so she went.

and you both (shraddha and her mom) go get ready and i will prepare"At that time shraddha spoke "aunty let me help you""No you go get ready""But-""No but go"She didn't have any choice so she went

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Shraddha and Varun's look

After everything was done tgethe friends also came and everyone were dancing. They were switching partners and so before varun could dance with shraddha raghav took shraddha with him and started dancing and he gave a wink to varun. Varun got annoyed but still was dancing with kiara. He was waiting for shraddha and so he kept on looking at her. Finally it was his turn to dance with shraddha and he became happy. They got so lost in their dance that they didn't realise the song is over. Raghav then went to them and said "um guys...the song is over"
Everyone laughed at them while both of them were blushing.


Everyone was busy with something or the other and so varun got a chance to spend time with shraddha. He held her hand and dragged her to his bedroom.
Shraddha said "varun what are you doing everyone will be searching for us."
"No they will not i have asked bunty and kiara to keep everyone occupied"
"Shh no but or anything"
He then asked to close her eyes. She smiled and did and he dragged her towards the mirror.
Shraddha then felt something on her neck and varun then asked her to open her eyes. She was shocked and happy to see a beautiful pendant.

 She was shocked and happy to see a beautiful pendant

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"Varun...this is...just beautiful...oh my...why"
"Because i like you and i wanted to gift you something"
"In that case even i should give you something."
"You are with me that is only enough"
Then an idea striked him "hmm but if you really wanna give me a gift then..."
He then proceeded to touch his lips.
Shraddha blushed but she moved forward but to varun's dismay she kissed his cheeks. Varun looked at her in disappointment and shraddha smiled at him innocently. He then smirked at her and pulled her by her waist and then proceeded to kiss her. At first she was shocked but then gave in and responded. Varun got happy as this was the first time she responded to their kisses as most of the time she would be shocked.
They broke out and hugged each other. At that time varun's phone rang. He looked worried and so shraddha also got worried. After he end the call he said "shraddha your step father has ran away from jail and the police is still searching and so he said to keep you and your family safe till they find him."
Shraddha got scared and ran to the hall and asked her mom where is ruhi she said she was playing outside.
She saw ruhi and pihu playing and was relieved no one was there with them. She was just about to go when she saw her step father aiming a gun at ruhi. She ran towards her to take with her but instead got shot.
Everyone panicked when they heard a gunshot and ran to see shraddha laying down covered in blood and ruhi and pihu crying. Varun ran to shraddha picked her up and started shaking her and telling to wake up with tears. Shraddha's step father had already ran away.His friends calm him down and told him to take her to hospital and they went. Varun was hugging shraddha all the time.'s the last chapter...did u expect this ending...don't worry there is an epilogue left and it will be on happy note.
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