Feeling something...

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When they reached Varun's house his mom was there and she noticed a wounded shraddha being carried by Varun. She ran towards them with concerned eyes and asked what happened to her. Varun explained her everything. She then said
"oh my god! Poor girl she suffered for so many years. Let me call a doctor. Varun you take her and ruhi to the guest room."
"Ok mom"
He then carried her to the guest room and put her carefully on the bed.
After a few minutes the doctor arrived and treated her and asked them to buy some medicines. Varun was going to go when his mother stopped him. He gave her a questioning look.
"You stay here I will go."
"No mom it's fine, i can go"
" No beta. What if her stepfather comes here...she needs to be safe."
He then agreed and his mother left to buy the medicines.
There was an awkward silence for a moment then he saw there was a small wound on shraddha's neck so he took the first aid kit and came closer to shraddha. Shraddha got surprise when Varun suddenly came closer to her. He removed her hair from her shoulders and then he took the cotton and poured some medicine. He put the cotton on to the wound and shraddha hissed at the pain. So varun blowed and put the cotton and then finally put the bandage. Only after it was done they realised they were so close. They immediately went back. Varun then asked her " why didn't you tell anybody about this shraddha? Not even me!? Why? Didn't you trust me?"
"It's not like that Varun. It was just..."
"Just what shraddha?"
"He had blackmailed me that he will kill my sister if i told this to anybody"
" You could have atleast told me. I would have dealt with that guy"
"No i know he is a dangerous man and i could not see you also getting hurt because you are one of the important people for me"
He turned his head towards her and then asked "why am i important to you Shraddha?"
"Um... because you... Are my friend"
" Are you sure only because of that?"
He came even more closer to her and held her head " you still sure?"
Her body got goosebumps when he held her head.
" Yes that's the only answer."
He got even more closer and kissed her head.
She was shocked. He then told her "you take a rest now I will go"
She couldn't say anything as she was sill in shock. He looked at her shocked face and then smirked and asked " what happened shraddha...why are you so lost?"
"No... Nothing...um I'm just tired i will be okay once i sleep"
He laughed at that but then decided to let her sleep and so he told her to get some rest and walked out of the room.
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