The heartbreak

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After a week

Shraddha had now fully recovered. In college everyone started preparing for the competition. They were in the canteen with their squad. Varun was looking at shraddha and smiling and shraddha was blushing and avoiding him. All their friends noticed this and knew that both liked each other. Elsewhere Shanaya was burning in jealousy and decided to do something which would seperate them. Shraddha excused herself and went out of the canteen. Varun also followed after her and found her near her locker. She was pretending to take out books when varun tapped her back she turned around and gasped when she realised how close they were. She was going to move when varun came more close pinning her to the locker.
"Varun...what are you doing!!?"
" I want to know something "
"Does me being this close to you affects you?"
"Then why are you buffering and also"
He came more close and whispered in her ears " Why are you blushing "
"V..varun someone will see this plss let me go"
"Only if you agree to something"
"Meet me behind our house backyard at evening"
"That you will know when you come. Do you agree?"
"Okay now let me go"
"Okay" And then he kissed her cheeks. She gasped but this time she smiled too.
Shanaya watched all of this and decided to do something about it.


It was finally evening and shraddha was very nervous. Shraddha reached her bedroom to find a box on her bed. Inside the box there was a red dress,heels and accessories and a note.
This dress will match your pretty blushing face so please come down wearing the dress at 7pm.
She smiled reading the note and she had an hour so she went to take a bath and got ready.

She smiled reading the note and she had an hour so she went to take a bath and got ready

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Shraddha's look

By the time she was done it was 6.55. She still had 5mins and so she waited in her bedroom nervous and kind of impatient. It was finally seven and so she stepped out of the house and there was a path of flowers and candels.

 It was finally seven and so she stepped out of the house and there was a path of flowers and candels

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She gasped and smiled while walking on the path. Finally she saw varun  but his back was facing her.

 Finally she saw varun  but his back was facing her

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She went more close but then stopped when she saw varun and her sister hugging each other

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She went more close but then stopped when she saw varun and her sister hugging each other. Tears started streaming down her face and at that time varun turned back and saw shraddha crying. She turned back and started running towards the main road. Varun ran back saying it's not what she thinks it is but shraddha was too broken to hear anything. She took an auto and went to Nora's house varun was running behind her. He was gonna take his car but she had already left. Varun then tried calling her but her phone was at his house only.
Shraddha reached Nora's house and when Nora opened her door she saw shraddha crying and she told her to come inside and shraddha hugged her and full on started crying.
"What happened shraddhu...why are you crying?"
"I.... I liked him but he..."
"Who...varun? Wait what did he do?"
" I thought...he liked me too but...but i was wrong"
"Shraddha tell me what exactly happened?"
"He...he called me at the backyard but...when i got there he was hugging my step-sister."
"What!!!? How can he do that...i will teach him a lesson"
" No...pls nora don't go. I just... Don't wanna meet him pls can i stay here"
"Of course you can. I will bring you clothes to change"
Nora went and shraddha again started crying. She was again broken.
Sooooo how was the chapter? Hope you liked it and soo sorry for not uploading regularly.
Also this story is going to end so thank you all for supporting this story till the end.
Will there be a sequal?
No because this story will end on a happy note and so there will be no need for a sequal.
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