Not over

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When Varun left Shraddha's room he saw ruhi crying at the staircase. He went their and hugged her and asked "what happened ruhi? Why are you crying?"
"I'm such a bad sister... I always let that man beat my sister...and i... Always hide"
"No you are not a bad sister ruhi... it's ok you are a child and don't worry now everything is fine now"
"Still i am a bad sister... this is all my fault"
She started crying more and Varun didn't know how to comfort her. He was about to call his mom when shraddha came. Varun was going to scold her for coming out of her room but then when she pointed at her sister he understood that she has come to comfort her.
Varun shifted a little and shraddha sat in the middle and hugged and patted her sister and then said "shh... It's ok bacha now stop wasn't your fault...i told you to go and hide in the bedroom and if you had denied it i would have not talked to it is not you fault because i know how important I'm to don't blame yourself ok... Now stop crying and smile"
Ruhi looked at her sister and then smiled and seeing that varun also smiled. Ruhi got up and hugged both of them. It looked like a happy family.


The next day shraddha woke up and and got downstairs to make breakfast but when she got down and saw Pallavi, Varun's mom in the kitchen and that's when it hit her...she is not living with step-father. She thought of helping her and so asked her if she can help her with anything. Pallavi refused to take her help as she was still injured but Shraddha felt uneasy to not do anything and so insisted to help her with anything. Then an idea strikes pallavi and says "ok since the breakfast is almost done and you said you can help me with anything can you please wake Varun up?"
Shraddha was hesitant but as she did say she will help her with anything she agreed. She went to Varun's room and knocked it. But there was no sound coming from inside. After several knocks too there was no sound and so she opened the door and went inside. Varun was sleeping peacefully without his shirt. Shraddha's eyes widened at the site... She immediately closed her eyes and called his name but he didn't listen and so she tapped his shoulders without looking. After several taps she felt her being pulled. Varun was half asleep and he had pulled Shraddha without knowing it was actually Shraddha and hugged her and continued sleeping. Shraddha was speechless and flustered. She tried again to wake varun up. Finally he woke up and saw shraddha beside him. He smiled at her and put her hair behind her ear and then caressed her cheeks. By now shraddha had become a whole tomato. Varun laughed at this and said "you are blushing huh!"
"N... No I'm not... Anyways your mom had asked me to wake you up and now that my job is done I'm going"
She turned to go but varun pulled her  by her waist and turned up side down trapping her in the bed with both his hands on either sides.
"Wh...what are you doing varun?"
"You can't leave like that?"
"What do you mean i can't leave like that... Let me go varun"
"Not before answering my question"
"What question?"
"So you feel something when we are this close?"
Her heart was beating fast.
"N.. No"
"You sure"
He then proceeded to move more close "not even now?"
He then kissed her cheeks "now?"
She closed her eyes and then was about to answer when she heard her name being called. She opened her eyes and pushed varun off her and went to exit the room when varun called her name and said "this isn't over yet"
She ran from there.
so sorry i was gonna upload it yesterday but some problem was going on with wattpad and it was not letting me upload the chapter gi for some reason...anyways how was the chapter?
What is Varun going to do now?
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