It always comes to this

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The next day after shraddha woke up she got ready and the  woke her sister up and she also got ready and they went to Varun's house.

The next day after shraddha woke up she got ready and the  woke her sister up and she also got ready and they went to Varun's house

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Her outfit without glasses

This time when the door opened it was varun and he told her that his mother had  left early and today he has nowhere to go.

This time when the door opened it was varun and he told her that his mother had  left early and today he has nowhere to go

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Shraddha was kind of uncomfortable as she is still not familiar with him but she didn't have any choice. Since their mom left early they didn't eat anything and so shraddha decided to make pancakes for them. As they also didn't have anything she called varun "um varun.."
"Can i make pancakes for my sister as well? You can cut the money of that from my salary"
He sighed and asked "what did you say yesterday?"
"Yesterday... What did i say?'
"That we are?"
"Um friends i guess"

Yes so why would you even ask me that?"

"Because right now I'm your employee not your friend and so it is my duty to ask"
"Ok but i consider you as my friend now too so you don't need to ask and in fact you can make it for yourself too and I'm not gonna cut that from your salary"
"Um thanks and no I'm not hungry so only for my sister"
And so shraddha started making pancakes. Varun asked her if she needed help with anything but she denied it and so he went back to hall.
After making it she called them and asked each one of them how do they want it.
The children replied that they want it with chocolate sauce and varun went with honey.

The children replied that they want it with chocolate sauce and varun went with honey

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After it was done she set them at the dining room and called them

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After it was done she set them at the dining room and called them.
While eating ruhanika gave a bite to Shraddha. Watching this even pihu wanted to gave a bite to her. At first shraddha denied it but then watching pihu's puppy face she took it. Then pihu asked Varun to give shraddha a bite. Both were flustered by this. They denied it but pihu kept insisting. Varun finally gave in but Shraddha was still hesitant. But seeing that pihu wasn't giving up she took it.
After that varun was busy with some work at his room and shraddha was in the hall watching frozen with the kids.
After Varun was done with his work he thought of checking them. He went down to see the kids are still engrossed in the movie but shraddha fell asleep. She was almost going to fall from the sofa and so he immediately ran towards her and held her face and slowly placed it on the pillow which was in the sofa and then he brought a blanket and covered her.
He then asked the kids to sleep as well. They went up to pihu's room and then Varun switched off the tv and sitting beside shraddha on the other sofa and was on his phone but then he looked towards shraddha and couldn't help but smile.
After about an hour shraddha woke up to see a blanket covering her. She wondered who put it on her and that's when she saw Varun sitting besides her and was on his phone. She asked him whether he was the one who put the blanket on her. He replied her with a yes.
She immediately apologized for this and said this would not happen again.
Varun then replied it's ok and no need to apologize as its not a big deal.
Shraddha then asked him whether he wants coffee or tea and then went to kitchen. She made milkshake for the kids and made coffee for herself and varun.
After that it was time for her to go to her part time job and again varun offered to drop her as they were again going to have dinner at the restaurant. This time they shared the bill and then varun offered to drop her and her sister home.
After they bid goodbyes she entered her house but she didn't expect to hear the voice she feared to hear this soon.
"Finally you are here"
So sorry for not uploading fur so long... Hope you like this chapter
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