Will have to find out (part 2)

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After an hour shraddha came back with the cake and she asked them what to write in the cake. To that Bunty replied "pls write welcome back Varun"
She wrote that and packed the cake and then gave it to them.
"Please visit again" and she gave them a smile.
Even her smile is so good...varun thought. Bunty and raghav had to drag varun out of the shop.


After her shift at the bakery was done she went to her other part-time job which was in a supermarket. She quickly changed into her uniform.

 She quickly changed into her uniform

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After that she started her work. After a few hours while she was restoring the stock she heard a small girl crying near the chocolate area. When she went their she saw a small girl with a puppy crying.

 When she went their she saw a small girl with a puppy crying

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She asked her "hi sweety... Why are you crying?"
"I...i got lost...and can't find my mommy"
She hugged her and said"shh stop crying...i will help you find your mommy ok"
"Yes. Now first tell me what is your name and is this little puppy yours?
"My name is pihu and yes this is my puppy... Isn't he cute?"
Shraddha laughed and replied "yes it is. What's his name?
The puppy barked and wiggled his tail.
Shraddha picked up the puppy and she held the child's hand and said "let's go find your mother"
They went to the counter and shraddha asked her full name and she called her name in the microphone.
"Anyone looking for pihu dhawan please come to counter no 4 immediately. I repeat anyone looking for pihu dhawan please come to counter no 4 thank you."
A woman who was searching for something or rather someone as soon as she heard the announcement went to the counter and saw her little girl playing with another girl.
She went to her and immediately hugged the child and thanked shraddha. After some talking the lady told shraddha " pihu usually doesn't easily get comfortable with new people but i see she is really happy and comfortable with you. I have an offer for you"
"Um... What kind of offer mam?"
"Actually me and my husband have to go for work on weekends too and the caretaker takes a leave on saturday and sunday. Also her brother is also out most of the time...so if you don't mind would you please babysit pihu on weekends? I can pay double."
Shraddha thought for a while... Anyways i don't have college on weekends and rather than sitting at home with my lovely step-father and step-sister i rather spend time with this cutie.
She replied " i would love to babysit her mam and no need to pay double. I just have one request"
"Ya please tell"
"Actually on weekends at night at around 7pm i have my part-time job at a restaurant so can i leave at around 6.30?
" Ya ya sure... Around that time her brother usually comes back"
"Ok thank you so much mam"
"My pleasure and i will send you the address on saturday"
"Ok...bye sweetie and remember what i taught you?"
"Yesh...to not leave momma's hand when you are in crowded places"
"Good girl"
Shraddha ruffled the puppy and he wiggled his tail after saying goodbye they went.


Varun and his friends were enjoying the party when raghav informed him that chips packet are over so he and raghav told their friends that they are going to the supermarket to buy chips.
The first one's stock was over so they went to the other one. After buying 4-5 packets they went to the counter. They decided to stand in different counters to save time. Raghav gestured Varun to come to his counter as the crowd was less there.
Finally it was their turn and again they saw shraddha. Just after raghav said Shraddha looked at them and her eyes widened a little.
"Hey clumsy girl total how many work do you have and why work hard so much?"
She didn't answer to that instead said "sir your total is Rs.78 with taxes included"
To that Raghav replied "ignoring the question i see... anyways do you have card swiping machine?"
"Yes sir"
She gave the machine varun typed his pin and gave it her. She proceeded with the money and gave the bill and card to varun.
"Thank you for shopping. Please visit again."
" I don't know about me but this guy surely will" raghav pointed at varun and smirked. To that varun glared at him. After that he asked raghav to bring the car. As soon as he went varun called someone and said "hello...ya i want you to give me each and every detail of this person by tomorrow. I will send you the name and address."
So here is the 3rd chapter. Sorry i didn't get time to upload it yesterday.
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