We will be always their for you

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They were almost gonna kiss when the bell rang and shraddha realised she was almost gonna let varun kiss her and so she ran and opened the door to find all their friends. "Hey...guys...what are you doing here?"
"Varun told us you got injured and so we decided to see you after school"
"Ohh..oops i am so stupid pls come inside"
They all came and they all sat at the living room.
"So? What happened? How did u get injured?" Sid asked her. Varun was going to say something lie as he thought shraddha would be uncomfortable. But shraddha stopped him and told him "it's about time i should tell them the truth."
"What truth?" Raghav asked.
"About my life."
"Your life?" Aditya asked
"Yes." She took a deep breath and started telling them how they had a very happy family but after that her step-father came to her life and how at first he acted like a very good father when mom was there but as soon as she started going out for work he started beating her and blackmailed her if she ever tried to tell the truth to her mom and all horrible tortures he had done. She left the part that shanaya was not actually a singer and she didn't even say that part to Varun.
"Shraddha you could have told us we would have helped you" said Alia.
"Yaa we would have beat the shi..." Kiara stopped when she saw shraddha making a face as she didn't like bad words "sheet out of him"
"Ya i would have  just sit on him and he would have died then and there" Bunty said.
"Still shraddhu you could have told us" Said tushar.
"I didn't want you guys to get hurt because of me. He is a very dangerous guy and i was afraid he would do something to you as well as my sister"
"Ok whats done is done now. Now you are finally free from that monster. Just remember shraddha we will always be there for you" Said Alia and all agreed. Shraddha smiled and gave each one of them hug and while hugging she also gave hug to Varun which she later realised and blushed again but thankfully no one noticed.
After that all were just chatting all evening.
So sorry i was gonna upload the chapter yesterday but then i forgot😅
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