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They reached the classroom during the break time and Nora was back to her seat. As soon as shraddha arrived she saw the bandaid in shraddha's hand and asked her about it and when her other friends heard about this they also asked her. She somehow made them believe it was because she fell from the stairs. Siddharth asked her to be careful. Meanwhile Varun's squad asked him where he was and told them he was at the medical room and when they asked what happened to him he said it was Shraddha not him. Alia asked him why he went with her and to that he replied that she was not willing to go and so the teacher asked him to go with her. Alia also asked him that is it too serious injury and he replied it with a no.
And so Varun's squad went to her to check up on her. They all asked her to take care.


After college time was over it was finally time to go home but shraddha wasn't ready to go and so she went to a park and sat down for a while but since there was time to pick her sister up, she decided to listen to some music and so she put on her earphones and listened to the music.
Varun was going home when he saw Shraddha in the park. He stopped the car and went towards her. She was listening to the music but she fell asleep in the middle and so her head was going to bang in the seat but varun quickly went there and hold her head and rested it on his shoulders. He smiled at her and was just staring at her.


Shraddha finally woke up and saw the time and it was already late. Her sister must have been tired waiting and then finally she turned to see varun beside her. When she turned her head her face was very close to Varun and so both of them blushed and Shraddha moved from him. Varun cleared his throat to clear the tension and started moving his shoulders as it was paining a little.
Shraddha saw that and apologized for that.
"I'm so sorry for that"
"No it's fine and it's not paining that much. Come i will drop you off"
"No it's fine i have to pick ruhi first so you can go."
"Ok so we go there first and moreover its already late if you go by walking it will take more time and she must be tired so let's go"
She was hesitant but he was right her sister must be tired and so she agreed.
They went to the school and asked her teacher where is ruhi. She told her that pihu's mom picked her up as well as shraddha was not coming. She thanked the teacher and they went to Varun's house. She thanked Varun's mom and was going when Varun insisted on giving her a ride again but she told him it's fine as there isn't much distance.
They went to her house and she checked the garage. Thankfully her step father's car was not there. She used the front door got a wonderful surprise.
Sorry for not uploading for so long.
Hope you like this chapter.
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