Being watched

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The next day shraddha quickly got up and checked whether her stepfather is awake or not. She was not worried about her step sister shanaya as she was always partying and rarely comes home. She sighed a breath of relief as her step father was sleeping. She quickly made breakfast for herself, her sister and her stepfather and took her's and her sister's to their bedroom and then she quickly got ready.
After she was done it was time for her sister to get ready. So she woke her up and after she got ready, Shraddha did her hair and made her eat the breakfast. Soon they heard a crashing sound and that was the cue for them to leave. Shraddha heard the footsteps and she immediately pressed the button of the stairs and first told her sister to go. She had forgotten to lock the door and so before she could leave her stepfather grabbed her hair and yelled "YOU BITCH! HOW DARE YOU GIVE ME SUCH NASTY BREAKFAST!"
"but we ate the same thing."
And she was so angry that she didn't even think that the next words that came out of her mouth would be dangerous.
"Probably you are nasty and so you think everything around you is nasty"
Only after seeing her step-father's angry face she realised that she is dead.
The plate piece which was in his hand he used that in Shraddha's arm. But before he could do further harm she pushed him and went down.
As she and her sister ran she could still here his voice. Her sister saw that shraddha's top was fully stained and so she pointed it out. Shraddha saw that and so after dropping her sister to school she went to the medical shop and bought first aid. Since it was early in the morning not much students had come to college yet so she quickly went to the washroom and covered her wound and changed the top.

 Since it was early in the morning not much students had come to college yet so she quickly went to the washroom and covered her wound and changed the top

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She didn't notice that someone was watching her.
After some time students started coming and finally her friend Nora came, with her three more guys were there.
After they settled down they introduced themselves.
Sidharth was the nice guy who is good and sports as well as academics and is also gentleman types. Tushar is the guy whose everything is food and Aditya is the one who is kind of like a Playboy and flirts with every girl but is also funny. Shraddha then introduces herself and they instantly became friends.
Meanwhile varun was noticing their interaction and was not happy with shraddha and sidharth's interaction.

Meanwhile varun was noticing their interaction and was not happy with shraddha and sidharth's interaction

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During the break Varun excused himself and called someone "hello... Ya so up till now what all details did you get?"
"Um ya sir... So the girl's name is Shraddha and she has a little sister ruhanika who is 5 years old. Her mother is an air hostess and so she is out most of the time. Her father died when ruhanika was just 5-6 months old and shraddha was 13 at that time. After few years her mother married Mr. Rakesh desuza who is a divorcee and has a daughter same age as Shraddha. Her name is shanaya."
"Ok so what all happened today till now"
"Um that when i went to her house there was some shouting heard and then i saw shraddha coming down from her bedroom through a stairs which was attached with her bedroom and she was clutching her arm and running with her sister. After dropping her sister to the school she went to medical shop. I couldn't see what she bought and then she came to college."
"Ok what else did you find out"
"Sir she has four part-time jobs. At weekdays she works in a bakery shop and supermarket and on weekends she works as a babysitter and in a restaurant. I wasn't able to find out who she babysits but the restaurant she works on weekends is Four Seasons hotel."
"Ok... Anything else?"
"No nothing yet sir"
"Ok that is enough. Thank you."
"No problem sir."
After that he went inside and wondered what would have happened to her in the morning that she got wound in her arm. He saw her in the morning with the stain and how she came back with different top on.
So here it is guys... This chapter is not so good...i will try to update the next chapter as soon as possible and i promise that chapter will be good. Also i added two more people in the cast... Aditya and tushar... You can check them in the cast...
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