Campfire pt.2

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Kato's P.O.V

We walked for about 20 minutes before placing the bags on the ground. Harry went deep inside the forest alone telling us to wait. We didn't stop him since we knew went to bring wood. Bakugou scolded us for letting him go alone especially since he's so airheaded. But Luis soon came back with loads of wood in his hands. Bakugou was a bit surprised as 5o how Luis got that much wood and more importantly how he managed to not get lost with his attention span. We sat down on the ground and started a small bonfire. We sat in a circle and played cards against humanity and uni which knocked the air out of our bodies. 

Bakugou got angry as to why he had to take 8 cards suddenly. Yuki and Sushi were playing as a team. They were okay if either of them won and they did. So the next round we played in pairs. Bakugou was quick to understand the rules after the first game and won at the speed of lightning. Sushi got up angrily yelling it was cheating and her reason for that accusation was, "Cause I lost!" Harry snorted at her childish behavior while Yuki handed her a drink. 

We then played cards against humanity which killed us. I couldn't breathe a single atom of oxygen. We decided to stay at the café since it was already late and our parents would kill us at this point. And my father definitely would. I don't know what will happen to Bakugou since he just sent a text, he didn't even bother calling. 

The girls on the other hand were begging their parents to which they finally agreed. We decided to call the café's landline but no one picked up..... we then remembered that we have to book the room 3 hours before the closing time so that they can give us the keys to the backdoor... We are doomed...We all were sweating profusely at this point thanks to all the tension. We then heard Bakugou sigh...Bakugou then suggested that we should just spend the night at the hospital. The girls wanted to protest and Sushi did but shut her mouth when Bakugou asked her for a better idea. 

We agreed and Harry suggested that we should play truth or dare to lighten up the mood. None of us wanted to play that at second tbh but we started it anyways.
We started playing truth or dare after getting out some of the peach sodas. Bakugou protested a bit before giving in. The first bottle landed on Yuki and Bakugou. Great way to start off.

Yuki ;- "Truth or Dare?"

Bakugou ;- "Dare, I ain't no pussy like ya extras"

Yuki ;- "Fine but only do this if you feel comfortable enough....How about-"

Sushi ;- "Wait how about we all share our pasts with each other before actually playing since Bakugou doesn't know much about us and we don't know about him "

We all agreed while Bakugou just sat there in silence. I don't know what he's thinking honestly. I decided to go first.

Kato ;- "I'll go first then. My childhood was good until my father lost his first job. He started drinking and abusing his mom. Every night I would hear them fighting after my dad came back home after searching for jobs.... One night he came home drunk. I could smell the alcohol reeking off of him from the room. I slowly cracked open my bedroom door since they were arguing quite loudly this time. After a couple of minutes of arguing, my dad suddenly slapped my mom harshly to the ground. He tried to apologize but Mom just got up and left. 

Since that day, my father kept on coming home drunk even after finding a job. He started to abuse my mother more often. This, later on, became a habit of his. One day I left my friend's house and came back at night. I opened the door to see the lights of the living room switched on. I walked inside to see my mother laying dead on the ground. Surrounded by her own pool of blood. My father was drunk. He sitting beside the dead body crying after taking a sip. He begged her to wake up before suddenly screaming and slapping her. I just stood there horrified at what my dad had become. 

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