Winters pt.1

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Kato's P.O.V

For the next 2 weeks, we regularly came to the same café. We used to come at late noon and leave before 8:00 pm. Of course, this caused a few major breakdowns with my father at the start but after reasoning and making him believe that my friends didn't know, he allowed me to go. But if I was even a minute after 9:00, he usually used whatever came in his hand first. But this was worth it. We all felt free being together and hanging out in that café.

I felt free. 

I told my father that we leave around 8:30ish cause I know he would have tried to at least make me 15-20 minutes late so he could beat me. The abuse wasn't that harsh since he used to almost be drunk to the point he'd sleep till the time I came back. He sometimes just slept off without even hitting me. This was great. But there was another thing which was better than heaven's sweets itself....

Bakugou's smile. In the span of a week, Bakugou actually got really close to us. To the point, we started doting on him, and to our surprise, he started pampering us. It all started the day we were discussing how humans behave like animals and we all concluded that Bakugou is like a wolf. He prefers to be alone but would be ever so formidable like the king of hell if he joined the right group for him. 

We all knew that from the start since we all have that little part in us. We didn't usually bother each other if one was doing something they either enjoyed and concentrated on or were in their own thoughts. We respected each other's wants and needs thus being super close and compatible with each other. We all also wanted to be the ones to open KATSUKI up. We wanted him to open us as well. 

Anyways Sushi told us how she teasingly pampers her older sister who's like quite like Bakugou but more chillaxed than him. She said, "To pamper introverts, you gotta go all out!!!" She then got up, kneeled in front of Bakugou dramatically, and said, "Your great Highness we are honored to be blessed in your presence~" with that, the whole squad got up smiling and kneeling in front of him. They all started calling him 'Majesty' or 'Prince' or 'Excellence'. Bakugou got as red as a tomato and started screaming at all of them, saying how embarrassing it is for him to be called that in public and how they aren't allowed to tease him since they are mere extras. I sighed and finally got up, walking towards Bakugou in the middle of his rage. He looked at me with confusion. 

I walked inches apart before kneeling and saying, "My King, you shouldn't shout like that!!! Your dear voice would become rugged and scratched!!!" With this, the whole squad joined in. Soon enough Bakugou just sat down with a thump and told us to shut up and scoot before he blew our asses to the moon. Honestly, I was a bit scared but followed Louis's lead and bent down 90°. We all then said in unison "Yes sir" before going back to our seats. 

Since then we just address him as a King in our own distinct ways. I could see he was enjoying it a bit. We all did. We couldn't help but continue doing this. It's just that we all adored this young man who could kill us all in an instant.....

Leaving that aside, we were expecting Bakugou to ignore us and stuff but to our surprise, he instead not only responded back but also treated us like his own younger siblings. For the first 2 days, he just bought food for us without telling us. Then he slowly started helping us with our problems. No matter how small they actually were. We still got scolded for being useless and for being so dependent but were never fully insulted. He helped us cope with our problems. He helped Luis to become a bit more casual instead of being stiff and just so... diligent. 

Bakugou told him about his classmate Iida. We all just instantly disliked him which caused Bakugou to laugh being astounded. He also said, "At least ya extras don't have some crappy taste!!!"

He then proceeded to help Harry with his awkwardness around strangers by giving him lessons. We all joined it since we all were quite bad when it came to 'not being awkward' around strangers.

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