KIDNAPPED?!?!! pt.3

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Bakugou's P.O.V

UGGGHHHH WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BRIGHT LIGHT?!?!!? I try to move my arms but can't due to some sort of restrictions.... I open my eyes to see a yellow light and bars in front of me. Where the fuck am I? I sigh deeply trying to remember everything that I saw. I jogged down my memory to remember that we all were having fun until I saw some figures approaching from behind the idiots. I was about to scream at them to run but I suddenly felt something struck the back of my head really hard. I spat out a bit on the impact. My vision got blurry but still was okay until I felt the same object hit me again but harder on my head again. I felt harsh kicks on my stomach. I tried to not make a sound or get up since I knew they'd do worse. So I tried keeping myself awake since this was nothing new. I pretended to faint. I suddenly felt someone slide their hands under me so I tried relaxing immediately but failed.

Unknown 1 ;- "This one's still awake~"


I suddenly felt someone shove a cloth in my mouth. I tried screaming but instead felt an odd taste coming from the gag. After a few seconds I felt my brain go numb as my eyes shut down. I lost my consciousness. I open my eyes back and looked up at what was restraining my arms. Chains? What the fuck have I gotten myself into this time??? Much more importantly what have I gotten us into this time?... MY FUCKING GOD!!!! WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY???? I look around frantically trying to adjust my eyes to the dull lighting of the room. I squint my eyes to check the room. At a distance I saw all of the idiots still unconscious. I have to get us out of here. The doors locked and I don't know where the fuck we are. I am not even sure how sturdy this building is. For all I know , one blast and we all be crushed by the rubble. How many people were there? I heard around 3 but there must be more since we all were hit at once. I should safely assume around 6-8 for now....I hear a small groan coming from the darkness. I ship my head to see Harry coming back to conscious.

Bakugou ;- "Ptsss- Puke hair!!"

Harry ;- *groans* "What the fuck?!?! Where am I???"..."Bakugou?!?!? Where are we???"

Bakugou ;- "Not sure but for now try and wake the others up I can't reach them from here!!!"

Harry ;- "Yeah!!!"

Puke hair then tries to move a bit since even his arms and legs were chained. So he got up and kicked Luis in the face. Luis's head banged on Kato's who was unconscious beside him. They both groaned loudly before slowly fluttering their eyes open.
Harry then tries to smack Yuki's head with his foot which he succeeded in.

Luis ;- "Ughhh"

Yuki ;- "Ughhh who the fuck kicked me?!?!"

Kato ;- "Ugggg- Katsuki? We are we??? What happened?"

Bakugou ;- "I don't know where we are but for the most obvious reason I suppose that we have been fucking kidnapped"

Harry ;- "WHAT?!??!"


Luis ;- "My parents will kill me if they got to know that not only did I get kidnapped but I was also drunk!!!!"


Sushi ;- *groans* "Guys... W-what's happening? And shut up please you are giving me a migraine first thing of the day!!!"

Yuki ;- "We have been kidnapped and I don't give a flying fuck about your DAMN MIGRAINE!!!!"

Kato ;- "Guys calm down!!!"

Bakugou ;- "SHUT UP!!!!"

Everyone finally quite down.... I got to reassure them somehow. When I was kidnapped by the L.O.V , I was super scared as well but I had thought of a thousand scenarios when I was younger since I wanted to become a hero. So I still had a plan. But never did I imagine being kidnapped with my friends.... *sigh*

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