Fight pt.4

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Bakugou's P.O.V

We saw that the whole area was clear. So we ran opening the first door we heard voice from. We saw the FUCKING KID PUTTING HIS ARM AROUND SHORT CAKE!!!! I STOMPED UP TO HIM AND PUNCHED THAT LITTLE FUCKER RIGHT IN THE JAW!!!! Sushi stopped me by telling us that he actually helped her...


Elli ;- "Look , she reminds me of my sister that's why I helped her and I didn't want to kidnap you guys.... We have been taught to kidnap and sell people off since we were young... I did find it pretty disturbing once I actually got some education from the darn TV that I used to watch when my dickhead of a father fell asleep after drinking too much... Honestly I just want to get out of here.... Even jail is better than this shit pile of a place...."

Kato ;- "Then come with us!!!"


Elli ;- "Look... Here take this"

He pulls out a small gun from his pocket and gave us some bullets... HOW THE FUCK DO KID THESE DAYS MANAGE TO GET SUCH STUFF?!?!!

Harry ;- "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!!"

Elli ;- "Don't hesitate to shoot me and my sister if we went against you , okay? Would this be enough for you to let us in on this escape plan"

Bakugou ;- "Tsk- Whatever let's keep going fuckheads"

We moved to another room which Elli opened to reveal a girl very similar to her.

Elli ;- "We are getting out Mary"

She smiled brightly without asking a question and hugged the dickhead who stood between us. We saw our masks on her table. I grabbed and tossed then to each of the idiots. We then head out through a crack in the roof of the so called basement. We were still in the FUCKING HOSPITAL?!?!! I sigh before signing the group to run. We started running from behind the counter as fast as possible. WE FINALLY MADE IT!!! We heard the fucking women's voice again. I turned around to see her grabbing Kato by the fucking neck....FUCKING HELL NO!!!! IMMA BOUTA END THESE PIECES OF TRASH!!!! She started laughing before the blonde hair guy appeared behind her and ran picking up Kato. They ran far inside the wood as we followed them. They finally stopped and so did we.

Bakugou ;- "GIVE ME KATO BACK...."


Bakugou ;- "FUCK YOU!!!"

I charged without thinking. As I reached near Jewel I saw a punch coming from the side of my eyes. I closed my eyes ready for the impact but instead my punched reach the Thot blonde making him drop Kato. I immediately picked him up and threw him to Luis who gave me a small wink notifying that he was the one who got the fucking punch. I saw the girls running ahead of me and straight for the women. While Harry ran for the Thot blonde. I turned towards Bryce who was smirking.... I AM GOING TO WIPE THAT SMILE OFF THAT BASTARDS FACE!!!

Kato's P.O.V

I saw all of them charge as soon as I got to Luis. The girls were fighting the extremely sharp women... She made sharp accessories and weapons of jade and golden appear out of thin air before releasing them straight at them. Yuki ran Infront of Sushi and froze the objects in mid air before reversing them and throwing them back at the women. The women crouched down and touched the ground before raising her hand up creating a giant wall of jade. Sushi got her pen out and made her favourite sythe. She looked at Yuki before Yuki disappeared into Sushi. One of Sushi's eyes were now black meaning Yuki had possessed her. She made an inhumanly jump over the wall while contorting her body in air as I saw more inanimate objects flying across them. Some of them were diverted by the sythe in her hands. The wall soon went back in the ground as another smaller version came in front of the lady who was about to get punched. Suddenly some jade and golden statues came out of the ground. Yuki separated herself from Sushi before using her tentacles to destroy all the statues. I saw the female jump on Yuki with a knife in her hand. But was obliterated by the hit of the sythe's handle. Sushi spun her now turned pen as she ran towards the women before punching her harshly and creating a stun gun. She shot the women and zapped her. Yuki and Sushi both have each other a thumbs up. Sushi made a rope , chains and what not. Yuki picked up one of the handcuffs and chained the unconscious women.

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