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Knowing yesterday's court case and situation, Clint had made sure that neither Aizawa nor Nezu made any of his family do any strenuous work or activity including studying.

At 8am

A very hungover and naked Clint woke up.

Clint ;- "AGH FUCK!!"

Listening to his scream , Dai woke up immediately .

Dai ;- "Oh my god- honey are you okay???"

Clint ;- " My back- it fucking feels broken-"

Hearing the absolute pain in Clint's voice , Dai got up and picked Clint up as well , taking them both to their underground pool which fills in an instant with command.

Dai ;- "Hot water please."

Clint ;- "Toilet..."

Clint whispered while covering his mouth. Dai understood what he had to to do and rushed to the toilet instead. Clint puked a lot..... A lot of food. After that, he told Dai to leave before taking a piss since his bladder was full from all the wine and alcohol he had absorbed.

He flushes and washed his hands just for Dai to swoop him up and take him to the warm bath.

Upon reaching their destination Dai slowly placed Clint down, inside the pool where Clint could relax his back. Dai walked to the tray of food he had and always did prepare whenever they had such a 'Steamy Night'.

Dai ;- "What would you like honey?"

Clint ;- "Cuddles"

Clint said innocently.

Dai smiled and got in as he too wasn't clothed. He kept on leaving soft kisses all across Clint's body , massaging his back , not realizing what he was actually doing.

Clint who got elevated from all the sensations ended up letting out his sweet moan escape. Dai wasn't sure if he should continue this, but Clint gave him a clear no- Clint demanded that Dai to finish what he had started . He had switched Clint on and now has to deal with him.

Dai made sure to be careful , gentle, and slow this time making it end very long and full of pleasure and happiness for them both.

Once they were done Dai kissed Clint deeply.

Dai ;- "Are you okay Love? How's your back pain?"

Clint ;- "I can't move or feel my legs but I would say it was worth it~"

Clint said happily and calmly.

Dai removed and refreshed the water before getting out and putting the food trays down near Clint so that he could eat at least a bit.

Clint ;- "Honey , also pass me my phone!"

Dai passed Clint his phone before entering the pool again and starting to massage his back properly this time.

Clint ;- "TSS AHhhh yeah right there! Press down harder , my back hurts...-

On the other side of the phone .

Aizawa ;- "Ummm Hello.... Aizawa is speaking..."

Aizawa , Nezu, and All might all stood awkwardly hearing the Underground Pro Hero say some very 'wrong things'.

Clint ;- "Ahhh- yes this is Clint speaking. I just wanted to warn you guys , DO NOT make the children do anything strenuous , just let them relax and talk with the other kids since- AHHHHHHH~"

All might ;- "Hello Sir... But are you getting a massage right now?"

Clint ;- "Yes, I am. My body has been extremely stiff lately. Aaghhh~"

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