Work pt.5

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Kato's P.O.V

I woke up and rubbed my eyes due to the brightness. I was still laying on top of Bakugou who was on his phone. I felt heat rise up my cheeks

Bakugou ;- "It's time that you woke up Shitty Sherlock"

Kato ;- "O-Oh sorry...."

I got up but was still sitting on him slightly bent trying not to make his phone knock out of his hands. As I was about to move I saw blood on the side of the mattress. I also felt something drip on me. I touched it and saw blood. I quickly got of Bakugou and pulled his wrist

Kato ;- "Bakugou , what happened seriously?"

Bakugou ;- "Had a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep since 5 in the fucking morning...So I cut my wrist with the fucking blade that I found in YOUR back pocket. So don't even think about yelling ya shitty extra!!!"

Kato ;- *sigh* "I wasn't going to"

Bakugou raised his left eyebrow at my comment.

Kato ;- *sigh* "Fine , I was going to and still can since I don't want you to relapse.... So try to at least not do it too deep... I don't want to"

Bakugou ;- "Tsk... Whatever...."

Kato ;- "....Give me your wrists I'll patch them up before we leave.... Also why did you cut now.... I mean you did say you did have nightmares yet you were clean.... Why now....?"

Bakugou ;- *sigh* "Must have been the fucking serum that broke me down"

Kato ;- "Sorry for not stopping them earlier...."

Bakugou ;- "Not your fault , Puke hair challenged me."

I wrapped his wrists in thick gauge tape and disinfectants. We then changed our clothes and went to wake up the others. We opened to see Yuki and Sushi cuddling with their pillows. Yuki had stolen all the blanket leaving the other shivering. We woke them up with small taps. The girls yawned and stretched before trying to fall back asleep but were stopped by Bakugou who had pulled them up with one hand each. The girls groaned and pushed us out... After 5 minuter they came out ready. They hugged me and Bakugou tightly before jumping on us. Yuki then commanded us to give them a piggy back ride since we woke them up at 8:00am. We did so gladly. Went into several other rooms but could not find the last duo.... We then opened the door which was at the end of the corridor to see the duo who were snoring so loudly that they could create an earthquake sleeping in peace. I don't know how they manage to sleep through their own snores jeez... Bakugou then produced a small yet powerful explosion causing the two noise polluters to wake up. Harry screamed and fell of the bed , knocking the ever so grace out of him while Luis waved his arms subconsciously while telling Bakugou how dangerous it could have been but let out a small laugh looking at Harry whose butt was almost showing as his pants got stuck on one of the hooks of the hospital's bed. Bakugou then commented on how similar Luis is to Iida who we all dislikes since he sounds quite stiff and boring. I heard a snap next to my ear. Yuki had had taken a picture of somewhat naked Harry. Harry started screaming. We looked at the girls and saw Sushi looking at the ceiling and praying to God while Yuki was checking the picture she took. Bakugou started laughing like a maniac. I pushed the girls out of the room while pulling Bakugou's half oxygen deprived body out of the room. They soon collected themselves and started talking about last night. The girls looked at Bakugou's arms and frowned at the sight of them being wrapped in gauges.

Sushi ;- "Talk to us anytime if you feel troubled Highness!!! We won't hesitate to help!!!" *grins*

Bakugou ;- *sigh* "I know that Short Cake"

I saw Yuki give me a side eye from behind Bakugou ,making it clear to me to tell her what happened later. I sighed and made an okay sign with my hand. We started talking about what to do later today. Bakugou suggest we first start training with him and then study so that we will be able to pass UA's exams. We agreed and started to warm in the halls. After 10 minutes Luis and Harry came out. We told them the plan and started training. E went deep inside the forest which was heavily covered by fog but regardless of thay we sparred with Bakugou for what seemed like eternity but still couldn't seem to win against him. I was tired from enhancing others powers , Sushi didn't have much stamina to begin with so she was thrown into oblivion when Bakugou caught upto her , Yuki was the only one actually fought him. Harry wasn't able to do much with his thin body. Luis was still fighting but from a safe distance. Yuki had landed quite a couple of hits on him but was soon kicked to the ground as Bakugou ran up one of her tentacles and swung his feet gracefully at her face. I felt something drop besides me , I picked it up to see a small earplug. I put in and heard Sushi talk.

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