Day 2

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Deku's P.O.V ;-

Last night was not good to say the least.... After Kacchan and his group left we all were mostly on our phones and we watched some romance movies together. We played some games as well but that's it... We were bored and we kind of started discussing about Kacchan...

Deku ;- "I am traumatized..."

Iida ;- "We all are..."

Ojiro ;- "Who would have thought that he smokes..."

Mineta ;- "And drinks!!!"


Momo ;- "He relapsed but with us around this time so it is relatively better!"

Mina ;- "Pfft-"

Momo ;- "Why are you laughing , did I say something funny?"

Mina ;- "No you didn't it's just funny to act all pretentious and kind you hypocritical bitch."

Momo ;- "Excuse me!?! Hypocritical Bitch??"

Mina ;- "Oh let's be honest here , if it was Todoroki-kun you would have been panicking the fuck out Yaoyorozu. It's Bakubabe here that's why you are so calm about this shit! So stop pretending to be a saint."

Todoroki-kun stood in front of Yaoyorozu-kun...

Todoroki ;- "Nobody insults my girlfriend here. She did nothing wrong for you to call her a bitch. Another word and I am freezing your mouth off-"

Kirishima-kun stood in front of Mina-san and gave Todoroki-kun a spine chilling glare.

Kirishima ;- "You do that and I will fucking punch you jaw off... Ain't no body gonna disrespect my girlfriend. Especially when she is right."

They both looked as if they were about to fight but Iida-kun stepped in at the right moment.

Iida ;- "Both of you have to stop that now!! This isn't our school dorms where we can casually fight!! If we broke even a single fork here we our putting our lives in danger! So please think before you act."

We all froze up remembering the cold glares coming from the group... We all shivered a bit before excusing ourselves on the couch.

Iida ;- "And both of you apologize. Mina-san your words were highly offensive though I can see your point. And Yaoyorozu please do try to read the atmosphere a bit more clearly. "

Both the parties exchanged apologies before continuing on the matter.

Hagakure ;- "So should we get them a therapist?"

Kaminari ;- "Isn't that a bit too far?"

Hagakure ;- "I mean they won't open up to anyone of us so it's better for get some kind of outlet."

Deku ;- "Agreed but we can't force them to get one out of their will. If they want one they can get one , all we can do is suggest. Plus it doesn't matter if they want to open up to us or not."

Kirishima ;- "Now don't say that bro!!"

Deku ;- "N-No not like that!! I meant they will be revealing their memories to us soon so we can just wait."

Tsuyu ;- "You are right kero."

We heard footsteps heading to our floor from upstairs. Soon Kacchan came down with a very sleepy Kato in his arms. He ignored and walked past us. Soon enough Kato was slid on to the bean bag..

Kacchan being Kacchan didn't really say anything much until the Bakusquad started teasing him and we joined in too. I mean it's hard not stop yourself from annoying Kacchan this way. It's really fun to see how flustered he can get by the mention of one name. His face always lights up at the sight of the boy. Kacchan Usually hides his face by pushing it onto the other's hair or resting his head on Kato's shoulder but a very small smile is visible creeping up from the corners.

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