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He seriously set fireworks in a residential area just to apologise to me, I guess Saleem was right when he said he was nice. He did everything possible to set something this amazing up just to apologise to me, I mean seriously, who am I?.

Affluence good sha.

" so do you forgive me now?" I hear him ask on the phone and with a small smile, I give him my answer.
" Sure, you went out of your way to do this so I can't really let you do more than this. You're forgiven" I answer and watch his smile widen while staring up at me. " Why do you honestly want us to be friends?, I mean you were prepared to throw me in jail a few days back for assault"

" Well my bestfriend is head over heels in love with you, so I figured for peace to reign, and to also understand why he likes you so much, it'll be best to make peace with you and also get to know you better" He answers and my heart softens. He's not bad.
" Okay you've gotten that now, you can go home"

" Don't send me away already, let's talk a bit"

" About what?"

" About yourself"

" Man, go home" I answer and I get a clear view of him laughing from where I'm standing. He really has a nice smile. " Okay fine, I'll find a way to see you tomorrow"

" You know you don't have to"

" I do, but I want to make an effort y'know" It's actually nice that he wants get to know who his bestfriend is in love with. " Well I'll be busy tomorrow, so when I'm free" I still have to finish Khairiyah's present before we leave for Dubai on Wednesday. " okay then, I'll leave. We'll talk some other time, take care"

" Alright, bye" I reply and watch him get into his car to drive off after waving me bye like a toddler.

Today has been full of surprises, amazing surprises. It's already past 8 so I change into my sleeping dress and chat a bit on WhatsApp, making sure to update my friends about Haneef and also scroll through Instagram. Daddy's horn from downstairs calls my attention and after throwing a hijab over my body, I jump out of bed and hurry down the stairs to see Daddy and ask him how his day with Saleem went.

To my astonishment, I meet Saleem and Daddy walking into the living with big smiles plastered on their faces. They must've had a good time,
Without me. No wonder he hasn't called me to chat since. "You guys seem to have had a great day together" I say, announcing my presence between the two new buddies laughing at whatever while sitting on our navy blue three-seater couch in the living room.

" Yeah, your boyfriend is quite the entertainer. Have you eaten?" Daddy asks as they finally shift their attention to me. " no, I'm not so hungry"

" I told them to cook spaghetti on my way back, they should be done by now I guess, let me go and check up on them" Daddy says and vacates the room, leaving me and Saleem alone. " You missed me right?" Saleem asks as I take Daddy's former seat beside him and roll my eyes. The rate at which I'm rolling my eyes these days is getting alarming. " Guess what?" He asks again after not getting a response from me for his previous question. " What?, that you and my father are bestfriend's now?, it's pretty obvious"

" No, not that. Guess who's going to be flying you to Dubai on Wednesday" okay I honestly have no idea about what he's driving at. " A pilot?" I ask and he sighs heavily. " I'm the pilot flying you to Dubai on Wednesday"

" Really" I squeal. " Yeah, luckily I'm going to be flying to Dubai for a week and your Dad said you, your sister and your friends are going there also, for a birthday party you're throwing for your step sister"

" Yeah, I'm so happy that you're going to be able to join us"

" me too, your Dad likes me y'know" he says again, snappily changing the subject. " I'm glad he does, he likes anyone that likes his only daughter. When am I going to meet your family?"

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