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Honestly, I hate crowds.
I hate being around too much people and all what everyone is doing is pulling my hard and flat cheeks saying I'm a bunch load of cuteness and I have fat cheeks. These people are making my cheeks hurt and let's not forget how blind they are. Stupid.

It's really annoying when mummy drags me to weddings to flaunt me and my achievements among her friends, when we get home she always scolds me harshly for one tiny thing or the other. African mothers problems are on another huge level.

" Haneef, come let's dance" Mummy calls from my side and I instantly frown and pout at her to show my disinterest. " Come on get up" She snaps and I don't shake at all, I am so used to this. " Aneesah leave the boy, let's go and dance if you want to" Daddy has never disappointed when it comes to supporting me. I watch mummy roll her eyes and send me a death glare before carrying her handbag and lock her arm with Daddy's. They walk over to the dancefloor to spray the couple with mint 100 naira notes that I asked for earlier and they said they didn't have.

We're at the wedding reception of one of my mom's bestfriend and everyone is dressed in the ankara for the day, a beautiful material with shades of pink and blue. People are dancing, eating, spraying the bride and groom and here I am sitting on a chair with another set of my mother's friends surrounding me.

Everyone is holding big smiles on their faces, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one having a smug look right now. But who cares, I'm not a fan of any kind of gathering, especially weddings. I really can't wait for mummy to give birth again so all the attention will move away from me.

My eyes suddenly stop at a tiny figure that's trying her hardest to dance amongst the crowd and I feel my lips move from an annoyed frown to a genuine big smile. The baby girl is wearing a nice dress made from the day's anko which is now stained with oil and I'm sure I can see some rice grains on her face. She has really nice long hair  that's braided in two shuku, a hairstyle my mummy loves to make cause she has long hair as well.

Her hair is decorated with nice ribbons and she's extremely beautiful. She isn't fair or dark skinned, she's light skinned and she's still putting all her efforts in dancing. Her eyes meets mine and she suddenly freezes, I flash her one of my charming smiles that I always practice whenever I want mummy to pity me for anything. Mummy usually smiles back but her reaction is something I never expected.

She began to wail and I immediately felt horrible. She's crying loudly as if she just saw a ghost. I am very sure I'm not creepy so why did she cry?
Maybe my smile freaked her out or something but that's new, everyone always smiles back.

I feel so sad.
I was only trying to be nice and she broke my tiny heart in return.
Who does that?

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