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Zakiyah's POV

The incessant knocking on my door jolts me awake and I groan in annoyance. Who in their right mind is knocking on my door by 6:00am?. Daddy would have walked in to wake me up but seems like he's in the mood to piss me off. " Zakiyah" That's Saleem's voice. What's he doing here so early. Besides he knows I need my rest, yesterday with his family was fun yet really exhausting.

I'm wearing a short night dress so I throw on the hijab I used to pray fajr before finally opening the door to meet my man's handsome face. " I'm sorry I woke you up this early, you weren't answering your phone"

" You rushed over here by 6 because I wasn't answering my phone?" Don't tell me Haneef's genes somehow rubbed off on him while they were growing up. " No not that. Remember how you said it's better we try and stop them and fail than to not try at all, you said to do it for the sake of the friendship we had?"

" Yeah, I remember saying you should try though. Heavy on the you, cause there's nothing I can do other than support you"

" Exactly, so come with me to Abuja. Be by my side"

" Ehn?"

" Yeah, I want to do this with you. They're getting married after Zuhr so I think you know it would be best if we hit the road early"

" Fine, but I'm sleeping in the car"

" Your wish"

" I don't need to pack anything right?"

" No need, just get dressed and take anything you'd need for the day"

" okay, make us breakfast while I get ready. Why didn't you ask my dad to wake me up?"

" He wasn't responding to my knocking so I moved to your room myself"

" Yeah daddy's a heavy sleeper, plus it's the weekend, he makes the most out of his weekends by sleeping in and resting"

" he needs it"

" Lemme get ready, make breakfast"

" I'll tell your cook to make something"

" make it yourself, cook something for the love of your life" I say and close the door, not waiting for him to even try and protest.

It didn't take me much time to get ready, I packed two packs of cookies with me, a small pillow, a small blanket; I'd use it to cover myself in the car while I sleep and a water bottle. We're going to be back by the end of the day so I don't need much.

Walking down the stairs to the kitchen, I come insight of Saleem enjoying a bowl of cornflakes. " You and who are eating cornflakes this morning Saleem?" I ask, walking further to take my seat in front of him. " Calm down, I made you a sardine sandwich and coffee, you need your energy" better. He passes a covered plate to me and my lips crook.  " What about you?"

" I ate a few, enjoy yourself. The coffee's in your flask"

" No coffee, I'm going to sleep remember?" I never knew Bama and Sardines could make a delicious trio with bread. " You want me to drive alone" he says, trying to pout. " If you don't stop that. It's few minutes past 6am Mr man, I will sleep o"

" You'll wake up midway through the drive"

" will I?, in this cold weather?. Don't worry I packed a small pillow and blanket in my bag"

" and why do you have those?" He asks as I walk to the tea shelf, Ginger tea all the way. " Well it was from when I was little, I wanted to keep them so I did and besides, the blanket's very soft, very very soft"

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