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Tay Tay's POV

" You bastards" I scream banging hard on the stall's door. I don't mind committing murder with this rage building up inside of me. " Tay Tay no" I hear Zakiyah say behind me before falling to the ground. " Zakiyah" with tears in my eyes, I scream again as I rush to wake her up. I can't imagine the pain she's going through right now.

" Let's take her to the hospital" Haneef says and I immediately send him and his concubine a death glare. " Don't you even think of coming any closer" I snap. " you can't leave her there like that" he says, coming closer and my hand gets extremely charged, slapping him hard on the cheek to ease it. " How dare you?" Ameerah snaps, charging towards me. They don't know me.

The instant Ameerah gets close to me, I slap her hard on the cheek, making her stagger back. As she's staggering, I clench my fist and support the slap with a hard punch to her eye and she falls to the ground, screaming in pain. No one messes with my bestfriends and goes scot-free. I jump on her as she lays, crying and screaming on the ground and punch and slap her as hard and fast as I can. " Tayibah stop" Haneef yells, trying to get me off of her, but I push him away instead. This is the sole reason why I try to tame my anger, when I do, I develop great strength to beat up anyone that crosses the line.
They've crossed the line, and gone too far. " How can you be so heartless?" I scream, my hands moving to strangle her. " What did she ever do to you?" I scream again, tightening my hold around her neck. " Tayibah stop" I hear Zakiyah's daddy scream from behind and pull me away from her.

" She loved you and this was your plan all along?, Billahil Azeem believe me when I say you're going to pay for this" There's a reason why I'm happy my father's rank in the Nigerian Military is high.

Tears roll down my cheeks as I watch Zakiyah's father try to carry her lifeless body outside the now crowded restroom. " You've messed with the wrong person Haneef" He threatens before hurrying out of the restroom with Zakiyah in his arms. Without giving the audience a second look, I rush out behind her father, not forgetting to get all of Zakiyah's things from the table she sat.

" What did Haneef do?" Zakiyah's father asks as we drive to the hospital. She's not waking up. " He's been using Zakiyah all this while to get Ameerah back" it didn't happen to me, but It's as if a dagger was aimed right at the centre of my heart. What if she had a stroke and collapsed for Allah's sake?.
And she wasn't feeling strong enough to push through with this dinner but she still did, because she loves him and wants to make him happy meanwhile the bastard had other cunning intentions. Those two are certainly made for each other. " So my daughter was used as bait" anyone can hear the anger in his voice.
His way of thinking is even stupid, very stupid.
How can you go that far just to make someone jealous?. What kind of a new extreme is this?

" She's going to be fine In Sha Allah" I say, staring at my beautiful bestfriend. She's already sick and now this shock, I can't imagine the damage it's going to cause her.

This is why I haven't been in a relationship before, this is the sole reason why I'm scared to give my heart to someone. People these days don't value love like I do, love is sacred to me. If I love you genuinely, you won't dare love another because of how affectionate and true I am, I value commitments like sacred promises. But these days, people feel that since there are alot of fishes in the sea, they can go in and out of any relationship as they please. They don't value the emotions, feelings, thoughts and ideas of people, all they want is to please themselves. We live in a reign of selfish people. You never know who to trust.

As we reach the hospital, Doctor Isah Baba attends to Zakiyah and I and her father are left to wait in the waiting area. " She doesn't deserve all this" He starts, tears rolling down his cheek. " All she does it to spread love everywhere she goes, all she does love with all her heart but It's true that no one really cares until it's to their advantage. I should have protected her more" He says, cleaning his eyes and I find myself gently stroking his back.

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