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Saleem's POV

There was no way in the world we could give Habeebah what she wanted so collaborating with the police and tracking their call down was our only option. They didn't want money, I'm sure she already has a lot of them hidden because she's been in the game for years now. I'm certain only the surface of her stolen wealth had been seized.

" was the call long enough to track them?" Zakiyah's father asks the DPO, as we all watch him walk into the office. " it was not. But we were able to get close, they're somewhere in the bushy areas of Igabi" He says. " Toh, I'm going to call a military friend of mine for backup, we're getting my daughter back today no matter what"

" I'll ask my dad for help as well" Being from an influential home makes us lucky enough to have the privilege of having these connections. " Alright then, we'll be ready in 30 minutes"

Zakiyah's POV

Different thoughts and ideas have been going through my head on how to get out of this intoxicating place and only one seems feasible. " can't I get something to at least drink?" I ask with a dry throat, I'm sure it's been complete 24 hours or more since I last put something in my system. The horrible smell of cigarettes around me is making matters worse.

" Shut up" the husky voice responds. " Please, I'm going to die of thirst and hunger here"

" You'd make things easier for us" he replies and I hear his partner whisper. " We're not killing her until our boss can freely walk around these streets" lol, the fact that it's never going to happen is funny. Habeebah's demand is even completely absurd, because who in their right mind will let her go free?. Even with all the corruption in the country and I'm more than sure that the country wouldn't stoop that low. " Get her some food and water from the back" the partner of the husky voice owner sounds more considerate, definitely smarter.

The blindfold around my eyes slowly begins to unfold and a wave of relief sweeps my entire being as I slowly blink my eyes open. The space was dark and small, with small rays of sunlight finding their way through the holes in the roof of the uncompleted building. My goodness, the place's a mess. Used cigarettes are all around the sandy floor of the building alongside planks of wood with nails sticking out of them. " Maybe you could convince your father to meet our boss's demands early. The situation you're in doesn't suit you" the man says from behind me and I tilt my head to the side to try to catch a glimpse of him as he unties the rope around my wrists. The sand has literally ruined my feet, I can imagine the different kinds of insects that have feasted on me.

He's young and I dare to add, actually strikingly handsome. He's light skinned, he doesn't look Nigerian even. He looks like all these arabian Instagram black guys with a well kept beard. How in the world is he a kidnapper?. " But you know that's not going to happen right?" I carefully ask and he smirks while walking to stand in front of me. " It's not going to happen, I know" He has a different agenda. " Then why in the world am I here?"

" Well, I'm obeying my boss"

" and I believe that's not Habeebah" I say and watch him laugh, Juwairiyah would be more than mesmerised by this sight. " You're smart, I like you. Don't think of trying to escape when you go pee" Well, way to ruin my only feasible plan.

" Who are you really working for?" I ask and after seconds of a staring contest, he finally decides to answer. " Habeebah's indebted to my boss, to get out of her debt she needs to be able to roam around freely first. She told my boss about her plan to hold you captive and regain her freedom and he became interested in you. So just so you know, we'll be heading to Qatar by midnight"

" I'm the price for Habeebah's debt"

" Yeah, his majesty's going to love how smart you are" You've got to be kidding me. " this is a joke"

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