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Tay Tay's POV

We reached New York around 1:00pm that day and my bestfriends were transferred to NewYork - Presbyterian Hospital for immediate treatment. I, Zakiyah's father, and Juwairiyah's mother headed to the hotel Zakiyah's father had reserved for us, Edge Hotel, to freshen up and get something to eat before heading the back to the hospital. Reedo already has an apartment in the city, so he found his way there, he's going to meet us at the hospital when he settles in as well.

I've never imagined travelling to New York in this kind of situation, it would have been more thrilling to walk the bustling streets of the city with my besties by my side. Hopefully, when they get better we'll enjoy the vibrant city. After freshening up, making my salah and getting dressed, I join Zakiyah's father in the hotels restaurant for brunch. Juwairiyah's mother decided to eat in her room and join us when she's done and I like being around the company of Zakiyah's father, so here I am.

" What would you like to eat?" He asks as we both scan through their menu. They have pretty normal food, oatmeals, pancakes, waffles, spaghetti and chickenballs, ah , that should be my order. " A plate of spaghetti and chicken meatballs please" I say to the waiter waiting to take our orders. " I'll have that too" Zakiyah's father adds. " Anything else?" The waiter asks with an effortlessly prefect American accent, I love American accents honestly, it just makes me excited for some reason and I certainly don't try to fake it. I just like how they talk, it's simply classy to me. " What's your best non alcoholic drink?" Zakiyah's father asks the waiter. " Well there are a variety of options on the menu, but personally, the Açai Pome Blue Mojito is my favourite" he says and I scan the mocktail list on the menu. It's a fruity blend of mint leaves, blueberries, Club Soda, lime juice, Açai roots and Açai  Pome Blue Juice. It looks nice, I'd love to try it. " We'll have that" I respond to the waiter and watch him take it down on his jotter. " And two slices of your moist chocolate cake" Zakiyah's father adds and he takes it down too.

My lips form a smile as I recall how he served himself the chocolate cake we found on Zakiyah's table with Haneef last night. It was cute watching him really, well it was cute watching an adult become hyperactive only from the sight of chocolate cake. That sight alone made me imagine how cute he was during his youth, I mean he's still cute. I know he's a grown man, but he's a cute grown man.

I can't believe I'm regarding my bestfriend's father as a cute grown man. My face flushes in embarrassment at my own thoughts and I suddenly meet his gaze. Trying to suddenly change my facial expression to a serious one from my embarrassment isn't usually this hard. " You have a very adorable smile" he compliments and I suddenly feel my heart pound faster than normal. " Thank you" I respond, trying to hide a blush as I gulp down a glass of water. " Don't choke on your water"

" Su.." How stupid of me to cause my own choking when I was just told not to. As he passes a napkin my way, I try to regain myself while coughing and averting his gaze because my life and sanity depends on it.
How can my stupid heart react that way to his compliment?. How absurd.

" Isah said they're administering some drugs to help dissolve the blood clot in her brain. Hopefully when she wakes up, they'll run more tests on her and hopefully then they'll start her chemotherapy for the cancer cells. If the chemo isn't successful, she'll have to undergo bone marrow transplant" He says after sipping from his glass of water. " I can't believe she has to go through all that"

" It's honestly not easy. She's so young and full of life and I don't think she can handle all this. Her mother went through a lot, she was always undergoing different scans, she was on multiple medications and she was always with the doctor. I watched her struggle for her life everyday. It killed her slowly"

" At least you were by her side all through"

" I was, at least she wasn't alone during her last days"

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