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Zakiyah's POV

" You sure I look okay?" Tay Tay asks for the millionth time while staring at the mirror after wearing her pink lace knee length blouse and straight skirt. " You know you look beautiful, you always do" Juwee responds again and I roll my eyes before speaking up " Nope, you look like shit"

" At least I'm a better looking shit than you are" She's always going to torment me. I came by Tayibah's place early today to get her ready for Daddy's arrival. Daddy's going to be getting ready with Saleem and I packed him some gifts to bring over on his way. Ma sha Allah, it's going to be a beautiful Friday. My bestfriend is beaming at herself in the mirror and my heart can't help but soften. I'm more than happy for her, because come on, no one would have seen something this perfect coming for her. I can imagine the things she's fantasising about in that pretty head of hers. " heels or slippers?" She asks while holding up two pairs of shoes. " No o, kill yourself madam" I can literally smack her in the head right. She's trying to get everything right and about to go overboard.

" Tayibah, you're in your house for crying out loud, why stay uncomfortable with heels?" Juwee says. " because I want to look very pretty"

" Ah gaskiya (truly) it's not easy" I say and both Juwee and I both burst into laughter. " Come on Zaki, you know your father, what would he prefer to see me in?"

" Tayibah, my father would love to see you do you. Be your freaking self for crying out loud. I know you like him and you want to please him but please don't ever step out of your comfort zone to please him, unless you have to. And in this case, you don't have to"

" Fine, I'm sorry I'm taking this too seriously..."

" It's because it's an official meeting and you're an organised freak" Juwee says as Tayibah finally leaves the front of the mirror to sit beside us on her bed. " I'm just really nervous" 

" It's completely fine to be nervous, we're here for you and believe me, we would never let you go out there looking like shit" She needs all the encouragement she can get from us. " Yeap I'm more than certain about that"

" Good, you look stunning" I say and wrap my arms around her, resting my head on her shoulder. " very beautiful" Juwee adds and copies my movement around Tay Tay. " Copy copy"

" Shut up jare"

Daddy and Saleem finally arrived after Juma'ah prayers and we welcomed them warmly, eventually leaving Daddy, Tayibah and her parents to talk all together in the living room. Juwee decided to take a nap in Tayibah's room and here I am now, sitting on the swing at the back of their house with Saleem by my side. He managed to get his job back as a pilot and he's soon going to be handling flights again. We aren't stressing about putting Haneef behind bars anymore, what we're all waiting for is the test results on his mental evaluation. " That reminds me, I talked to Haneef's father about Haneef and Ameerah being siblings" Saleem says, suddenly diverting from talking about a few of our dreams together. " What did he say?"

" Haneef left home and is avoiding them, all of them. He doesn't even go to the company anymore"

" Why?"

" Haneef wants to get married to Ameerah and they told him they weren't going to support him, so he threw a fit and left the house, permanently"

" You've got to be kidding me"

" He cut contact with them, he isn't answering their calls or texts. Nothing, zero contact"

" When are they getting married?"

" This weekend, Sunday"

" It's incest"

" I don't even know anymore Zakiyah, do you think with how their minds work right now they wouldn't still want to go ahead with their plans even they found out they're actually siblings?" Now that's something. How their mind works is completely different from what we might even try to imagine. " But we still need to atleast try and stop them you know. Do it for the friendship you grew up with"

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