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" You need fresh air darling, go out and buy a smoothie or something or just drive around the city. I honestly don't like seeing you like this" Daddy says to me, taking my phone away from my fragile hands as I laid on my bed, looking at all of Saleem's pictures, wishing he was still around. " It's honestly hard to get over it daddy" I respond in a whisper, sitting upright on my bed.

" I know it is, but did you let the loss of your mother ruin your life?" He asks and I shake my head. " now, don't let Saleem's absence ruin you. You're young and In Sha Allah you have a bright future ahead of you. People come and go, and of course it hurts but it's your choice to let the departure weigh you down or keep you going. Choosing the latter is what's best for you and for us all. It's been four days since you left your room, please Zakiyah, it's enough" Daddy says again and I sigh heavily, letting his words sink in. " it's going to be hard for me to have fun after everything"

" It'll happen gradually, okay?" He answers and I nod. " Bear in mind that he won't like to see you in this condition, even if he's gone. He'll be happy if you're happy so at least, do that for him" Daddy says and with a small smile, I gently rest my head on his shoulder. " I know you can do this, you've done it before, you're going to be able to do it again, right?" He says sweetly and I respond " right".

He left minutes after for work and I made sure not to bump into Habeebah, no matter what. I'm certainly not in the mood for any of her shenanigans this morning. Ameerah isn't home, I'd figured she went to work already so I need to find something to keep myself busy. I might just end up driving to Juwairiyah's or Tayibah's place.

After taking a bath, I got dressed in a pair of blue baggy jean trousers, a black shirt and a jacket, cause it's windy outside. I threw a black cap and a veil on me, slipped into a pair of sneakers, grabbed my car keys and here I am, driving to Tayibah's house in Kawo.
It'll be fun if the rain pours while I'm at her place.

I'd figured I'd get something for Tayibah's younger siblings, Nusaibah, Mufeedah and Marzuq. Tayibah has 5 siblings, the eldest is Zahra who is now married, followed by her handsome brother, Ahmad, then Tayibah comes in next, followed by Nusaiba, Marzuq and then Mufeedah.
Mufeedah is the most beautiful amongst all of them, she's 4 and man, she is insanely cute. They mixed the genes of their beautiful parents and made something for themselves, they all share similar resemblances with their parents and more similar resemblances between themselves.

Malteasers chocolates were the only thing I could get for them at a nearby store that's a walk away from their house.

The Farouq's, that's Tayibah's family, don't have a regular gateman. Their father works in the military, navy so yeah, that explains it.

Driving into their spacious compound, I get down from my car with the pack of Malteasers in my hands and head towards the door that leads to the main house. Tayibah's mother, or as people call her, Mamman Mufee, calls out my name and I look around to meet her walking down the stairs to their grand living room with her eldest daughter behind her.
When I say grand, I really mean grand. " A'ahn Zakiyah, I've missed seeing your beautiful face, how are you?" She chirps as I walk towards her on the stairs and she immediately pulls me into a warm hug as I greet Aunty Zahra that's behind her, with a small baby bump.
Awww, her baby's going to be adorable.

" Mama I'm fine"

" Are you sure?, we heard what happened with Saleem, Allah ya jikanshi ( may his soul rest in peace)" She says and I smile a bit before responding with an " ameen".
" Zakiyah, everything will be fine okay.... take care of yourself, he'd want that" Aunty Zahra says, same thing daddy said.

" Well Zaki, we're going to pick your younger siblings from school. Do you want anything?" Tayibah's mother asks and I shake my head. " Don't worry, zan ce ma Tayibah ta yi maki girki ( don't worry, I'll tell Tayibah to cook for you)" Aunty Zahra says and I couldn't help the laugh that came out of me in response, making them join me. Tayibah can't cook a proper meal even if the world depended on it. " See you guys, she's learning slowly. Zahra let's go, Zakiyah just cook anything you want in the kitchen when you get hungry" Mama says and with a hug from both of them, they walk towards the front door and I walk up the stairs to Tayibah's room.

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