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" I'm not sure I can make it this night" running around Kaduna to get everything ready for tonight hasn't been easy. " Just shower and rest, I think I'll cook something for you" Tay Tay says as she drops her handbag on my bed and takes off the veil around her. " Ah thank you" I say, taking deep breaths as I engulf myself in the comfort of my bed.

My whole body aches badly and I feel very weak, I'm not sure I can even move. " But are you sure you're okay?, you don't look too good" Tay Tay asks, sitting beside me. " I'm not okay, I'm not sure I can even move" I respond weakly. " You still want to pull through with your plans tonight?"

" I have to, see the journey we did today to make sure everything turns out right" we met Juwee still in coma and Reedo was right there at the hospital by her side, it's not easy to genuinely love someone honestly, I really hope she wakes up if not, Reedo's going to be broken beyond repair. Juwee's dad's planning on transferring her outside the country as well, apparently Daddy spoke with Juwee's dad and since Doctor Isah is our family doctor, he's going to transfer us to the same place for further treatment which gives way for Tay Tay to tag along.

" Just take a shower and then pray. By then I'll be done fixing up something for you so you'll eat and take your meds" Tay Tay says, helping me sit upright. " Thank you, his secretary said he'll be done by 8:00pm right?"
" Yeah, rest till then"

" Sure, Daddy said he's coming home early today so he might appear at anytime. Can you prepare lunch with him inclusive?"

" Definitely"

" May Allah bless you" she says and I find my way to the bathroom to take off my clothes and take a cool shower. House wears are always so comfy, I changed into leggings and a huge button up shirt after taking my shower. " So there's rice and beans on the fire now and the sauce too is getting ready" Tay Tay says, welcoming herself into my room. " Thank you, I'm just about to pray. Do you need any help?, you're finally getting a grip around cooking"

" Of course, just pray and come down when you're done"

" Thank you" As soon as she leaves, I focus on my Salah, feeling a bit strong. Soon as I'm done, I find my way down the stairs to the kitchen to meet my bestfriend and father, all smiles. He's even helping her cook. " You guys seem to be having a blast cooking" I say, making my presence known which interrupts their laughter session. " oh my baby, we're just preparing lunch for you. Tayibah's been telling me about the times she cooked rubbish. Are you doing okay?" Daddy says, sending me a wave. He's cutting onions. The last time I saw daddy this happy while cooking in the kitchen was with my mother. He looks truly happy.

" Tell him about the time you boiled rice and it turned to semo"

" She said you guys bullied her" Daddy says while stiring the sauce. " It wasn't our fault"

" Of course" He says and smiles towards Tay Tay. " You know even when Zakiyah was still learning how to cook, she flunked a lot" he says and smiles at me too. " Well, we all grow at different paces. Let me help you with the onions" Tay Tay offers. " No don't worry, I'm more used to this than you are" he says and continues chopping. " the food is almost ready, so you can rest" Tay Tay says to me. " If you're not feeling so good, just cancel your plans" Daddy starts. " I personally would truly love to see you resting in your condition" he adds. " She's strong, she can do it. Besides, Haneef deserves it" Tay Tay answers for me. " Did she tell you guys that she wants to say yes to him?" Daddy asks Tay Tay and here I am, watching them converse. " Yes, it's a good thing"

" Why?" Daddy asks, folding his arms and facing Tay Tay squarely. " Well first and foremost, there's a spark between those two and the love they have for each other is one that's going to make them commit to each other. I know marriage is a different kind of chapter in one's life but as long as the two parties are ready to grow together, then they should be advised to go for it. She's definitely praying for the best I know, and of course, we want to avoid premarital wahala so yeah" She answers and I smile at my loveless friend. " It's cute that it's coming from someone with zero love experience" I remark and she rolls her eyes at me. " You've never been in love?" Daddy asks her and she shys away. " She hasn't" I answer.
" It's not my fault that I haven't, people that have approached me aren't my type"

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