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" Two cups of pineapple, watermelon, ginger, dates and cucmbers, all mixed specially for an amazing duo"

" What's with you and announcing what you always get for us?" I say while laughing a bit and collecting the two cups of smoothies from Haneef's hands. " It's fun" he says, settling down in his drivers seat. " Here" I say as I hand him his smoothie cup. " Thank you. Their smoothies are the best wallahi, very refreshing"

" I know right"

" Come on let's go, my mom's waiting to meet you finally" He's indeed happy that I'm finally going to meet his mom, but no that's certainly not the main plan. Today's Khairiyah's Henna party and I and my girls are attending. Well I could drive myself, but Haneef lately has been hanging around me, giving me the most intriguing company I've had in a while for weeks now. He offered to pick me up and I accepted, while Juwairiyah and Tay Tay would just meet us there. Their respective drivers would be taking them. We agreed earlier to only attend the wedding dinner but Khairiyah met me privately, hoping if I could attend all the events and I politely told her that I would, anything to make the bride happy. So yes, I'm bringing my friends along with me. " It's Khairiyah I'm going for"

" So you think you can see Khairiyah without seeing my mom, be dreaming. I've told her alot about you, she's very excited to see the girl I'm spending my time with these days" He says and drinks his smoothie. " Why're you telling her alot about me?"

" Well.." he starts and shifts in his seat, " Why would I talk to my mother about you?" He asks and I furrow my eyebrows. " Why're you asking me my question?"

" You're meant to understand" he says, intently gazing upon my eyes. " but I don't" I respond, looking away from him and drinking my smoothie. " Well maybe I told her I finally actually might have found a compatible partner" He says, making me choke on my drink and I begin to cough out loud. That's seriously uncalled for but I honestly can't help but feel flustered. " Calm down Hajiya, let's go. They should be waiting for us" He says and starts the engine of his car.

Compatible partner
My heart's beating faster than it's supposed to and I'm meant to not feel anything from his attempt to shoot his shot at me but I can feel my lips creep into a big smile while looking out the window, enjoying my smoothie. I'm really not supposed to feel this way, I'm betraying what I and Saleem shared. If anything happens between I and Haneef it would be us cheating on Saleem. But I really can't help but feel eager to have Haneef present by my side, it's something I've slowly grown used to and I'm not sure I would want anything to ruin our closeness now. I won't be able to bear another loss.

So I'm glad he found a way to change the topic as we drove to their mansion, today's going to be my first time there. I can already imagine how huge and grand it is, with exquisite decor as well.

The Isa DanLadan's mansion is located in Unguwan Sarki, their home stands out amongst others. It's huge, like I expected and heavily guarded of course. Statement houses like that aren't things I fancy, but they have a reputation they have to uphold and this, their home is to show for it.

Ladies were scattered everywhere in the compound of their home. With canopies around and music playing, everyone present was either chatting while having their Henna done or dancing and vibing around. I found Juwee and Tay Tay already getting theirs done so I and Haneef moved to greet the bride who was exclusively seated under a canopy with comfy pillows around her as she and a few of her friends sat on a furry rug. She sat like royalty as her Henna was being done. She was glad I was able to make it but we didn't talk much because she actually dismissed I and Haneef into going to finally greet her mother. As she dismissed us, a blush appeared on my face as I took in all what was going on. I really don't want to admit it to myself but it is happening. From all the looks everyone shot at us as we walked in side by side all smiles and the glares I got from some of her friends as she openly dismissed us to go greet her mother.

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