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" So you're saying Ameerah's father left her all alone with her hoe of a mother on her 16th birthday and now, we're going to find him to really know why he left without her, knowing the kind of woman her mother is?"

" Yeah that's right and I really just want to know why she's like this and just everything else that I can know about her" I respond to Saleem as I breathe in the luxurious scent of his car. " well I really don't want you to get hurt while trying to get all these answers" He responds with his eyes fixed to the road.

I and Saleem left for Abuja after I told Daddy that I was going to find Ameerah's father, I honestly thought he was going to stop me from going but after frowning his face and scrunching his eyebrows a bit, he heaved heavily and let me go with the condition that Saleem accompanied me and of course, what better company than Saleem's?.
Plus I don't really know my way around Abuja and Saleem sure does know his way around, well according to him.

" Babe, I love you" Saleem says out of the blue and my cheeks redden. " If that Habeebah woman tries to hurt you again, we're going to report her to the police" He adds.
" That won't be necessary, Daddy married her and I'm sure he knew what he was getting into, there's something he's trying to achieve if not he would have kicked her out a very long time ago"
" True" Saleem answers and I fix my eyes on his cute side view. I could stare at him like this forever.

" Babe.." I love it when he calls me babe, like I literally perform a happy dance in my head anytime he calls me that. " What?"
" Do you want a big wedding or a small wedding?" Now this is a very tough question. Personally I would love something small and classy not a wedding where I don't know 50 or 60% of my guests cause that's what grand weddings are all about, you really don't know the majority of your guests. " A normal wedding with only the people we know is just perfect"

" So you don't want multiple events like Khairiyah's?"

" I actually don't, if you think about it, we'll just be stressing ourselves and wasting money. A one day event of nikah and a really nice reception will do" That's it honestly. " I'm honestly glad that with all the money Allah blessed your family with, you didn't turn out to be a spoilt brat"

" well my mother and father raised me well" The rest of the drive went by quickly with our laughs and red cheeks. Saleem is older than me with 6 years, he's 24 years old and he's part of a family of full blooded igala people that were of course raised in the north, just like me.

Abuja is beautiful, lots of flashy cars and rich people around. " Let's hope that we get to see him today, maybe he's busy or something" Saleem says as we get down from his car after finding a nice spot to park in the vast territory of ACM Mills. " Well I hope so too. If he learns that we're here to talk to him about his daughter, he'll have to give us a chance to talk to him"

" Hopefully" Saleem answers and we walk side by side with our hands intertwined to the main building in the vast area. It really feels so nice having someone by my side like this and I'm more than excited about this being part of my daily life.
" This place is so huge" I whisper, loud enough for Saleem to hear as we step into the lobby of the multiple storey building with theme colours, yellow and green. There are many people walking around and Saleem leads me to the receptionist in the lobby. She's wearing a red short hijab over a white coat. " Good morning, welcome to ACM Mills. How may I be of help to you?" The lady says nicely and I notice her cute open teeth. " Morning, we are here to see the owner of this great organisation, I know we didn't book an appointment and we actually have to but what we want to talk to him about is really urgent" Saleem answers and the nice lady in front of us smiles again.

" I am really sorry but I honestly can't let you meet him because of his tight schedule"

" We won't take long, I promise" I respond in worry and the lady isn't even planning to budge. " you need to have an appointment to see him, I can help you set one now"

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