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Getting all dolled up isn't my thing but right now I have to. " Ameerah shouldn't let me see her around If not I'll beat her" That's Tayibah, we're all getting ready for Khairiyah's dinner at Juwairiyah's place. " Wallahi, she has the brain of a fish" Juwairiyah adds as Tay Tay touches up my face. " I should have followed my heart instead of trying to be at peace with a deceased and an ungrateful human being"

" Well we told you so" Tayibah comments, dropping her eye liner on Juwairiyah's dresser. " I'm glad you're willing to do what's right finally and I am also glad you took Haneef away from your stepsister, she doesn't deserve him at all" Juwee's doing her own makeup, she's way better at painting her face than I am. " Even after all what you did to make her happy. She has the mind to treat you like this, she's very stupid. How in the world can a 23 year old person be like that"

" maturity no be by age " I respond. " I forgot to tell you guys Reedo's coming back to Kaduna for a few weeks" Juwairiyah says and I can already imagine the big smile on her face since I can't move from my seat. Tayibah is almost done with my head-tie. " I can't wait to see him again, he must be all fresh now"

" Of course he is, you've not been seeing his pictures in her gallery or what. Even when they're doing video call, he's just fresh anyhow" Tay Tay says as she finally let's me take in my look in the mirror. " Aww the turban is fine Zakiyah, you look so pretty" Juwee squeals and I give Tayibah a thumbs up and all she does is roll her eyes with a proud smile. " get up let me get myself done. Your dress is on the bed" I join Juwairiyah to take a selfie, meanwhile I'm still in my bathing robe.

My dress is long and fitted with a sweetheart neckline and statement long sleeves. Juwee passes me a set of jewellery, necklaces, earrings, a bracelet and a ring. " It's real silver and rose gold. It'll go with you dress and don't worry you can keep it"

" I wasn't planning on giving it back" I say as she helps me wear the necklace. It's nothing extra, just a pendant with two hearts, the silver heart is much bigger compared to the small rose gold heart locked together. That's the theme for the earrings, bracelet and ring too. " I look really nice" I've never looked this good in a while.
" Of course, I helped you. Come help me zip my dress please" Tay Tay's finally done getting herself done. She didn't apply much makeup, just really red lipstick, eye liner, something to her brows and mascara for her lashes.

Soon enough, after taking pictures and goofing around in videos, we were all ready. I finally got to drive my baby in a long while now and yes, I felt like a boss while driving me and my girls to the venue, Syde Resort. " You haven't mentioned Salman in a while Tay Tay" she sat on the passenger's seat beside me while Juwairiyah sat at the back. " Well that's cause there are more important stuff than my relationship with him"

" You guys are in a relationship?" Juwee asks. " no madam, we're just getting to know each other more and more"

" And are you hopelessly in love?" I ask. " Do I really look like someone that can really be hopelessly in love with someone?"

" who knows"

Syde Resort was filled with people, and massive statement cars. Of course it's meant to be grand, it's the wedding of the daughter of the owner of Ladan Shipping group we're talking about. The event had already started when we arrived, the bride and groom were making their entrance along with their entourage. The hall was decorated very nicely, with nice flowers around and disco lights flashing all over.

Khairiyah looked very beautiful, she was wearing a royal blue and black lace fitted dress with a long train and a blue veil pinned to her head scarf. She looks absolutely stunning and was dancing along with her groom and bridesmaids as they entered the venue. I made sure she got to see me, and also apologised for hiding away from them. She was glad that I was present, it added to her joy today. " Have you seen Haneef?" I ask Tay Tay who's streaming the couple's entrance beside me. " Nah, I haven't"

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