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Saleem's POV

" you know I won't lie to you Buhari. I'm sure you know how bribery works in this system. You're going up against DanLadan" That's Zakiyah's father's lawyer. We managed to process an arrest warrant for Haneef and we're presently on our way to the DanLadan branch Haneef's heading here. " I myself am powerful as well" He responds.
" I know you know that power pass power" his lawyer responds. " Let's hope his father doesn't support his crimes as well. That should be our prayer, without his father, Haneef is nothing" I speak up and Zakiyah's father sighs heavily. " We have solid evidences to take him to prison. Besides the emirates are involved in this well, there's no way he can go scot-free" he says again.
" Like Saleem said, let's hope Isa DanLadan doesn't protect his son in this whole mess, the Emirates is something that man can handle" His lawyer says again.

The frustration on Zakiyah's father's face is undeniable, it's clear how disappointed he is on how corrupt the world is now. Anyone with enough wealth can get away with any crime, humanity has no hope. It's sad. The rift this mess is about to cause between our families is going to be huge. Who ever thought a war like this would happen between us?, and all for what?, all for a mentally unstable girl. Well, even the Haneef is mentally unstable so no wonder they love each other.

My heart begins to pound a bit faster as we drive into the parking space of their company. I and Haneef grew up together, I'm nervous to see him again after everything, this time, I'm against him. I've legitimately always been by his side. Eyes around us are stuck on the police men getting down from their car, I can already hear the whispers and gasps from people that lay eyes on me.
Yes people, your boss tried to kill me but I'm very much alive.

We meet the receptionist on the first floor and the police enquire if Haneef's around, he is. We all get into to the elevator at once to the last floor, where Haneef's office is situated.
It's a five-storey building.
On reaching the last floor, I get out of the elevator first and meet Haneef's secretary. " Saleem?" She asks in shock, getting up from her seat behind her desk. " Where's Haneef?" I ask coldly. " in the meeting room.." she says and I head there, barging into his meeting room with the enough support behind me.

Everyone, startled to see me, get up on their feet. Their gasps can't certainly be left unheard. My eyes finally meet those of my bestfriend, staring intently at me. He doesn't look shocked, in fact he's holding back a laugh. Piece of shit. " I've been waiting for you, best friend" he says, getting up on his feet. " Mr Haneef DanLadan, we have a warrant for your arrest" The police say behind me as Haneef walks closer to where we stood. " I'm sorry your plans against me failed" I say, coldly. I literally want to punch him in the face right now. " I'm ready to co-operate with the police to solve this misunderstanding" he responds. " We've solved it already, all that's left is for you to take your rightful position behind bars" Zakiyah's father chips in and Haneef focuses his gaze on him. " We don't need to waste more time here, let's go to the station. I have a business to handle" Haneef responds and walks past us.

His guard is up, well we're both certainly not backing down. " What's going to happen if he pledges innocent against all these charges?" I ask our lawyer on our way out of the company, behind the police. " Our evidences are solid so you need not to worry, we have solid statements from the victims which is you and Juwairiyah"

" Bribery is his only way out of this right?"

" Certainly"

News about Haneef's arrest and my return was spreading like wild fire around countless blogs and news stations, the police station was packed with lots of journalists ready to hear from us. We were taken to the chief's office to wait for results from Haneef's interrogation and as expected, he pledged innocent of all charges. His lawyer is even seeking to post bail for him. " We only have statements from the victims which can be countered by his statement. We're still trying to get the video footage from the scene of the event of his attack on Juwairiyah and we are also trying to find the man Juwairiyah saw Haneef talking to that day" Zakiyah's father's lawyer says as we all gather around in the chief's office. " And my statement about what happened on the plane?" I ask and the chief finally takes it upon himself to respond. " You're the only survivor of that plane crash, the judge is going to ask why you delayed and didn't show up.."

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