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I love anything that has an Oud Scent and right now, all I want is to live in Saleem's car with him around forever and ever. I've never smelt an oud scent that's this amazing.

" What are you day dreaming about?" I hear Saleem ask from beside and I slowly open my eyes to stare at his handsome face, he's so dreamy. " I'm not day dreaming, I'm just taking in the nice smell your car has"

" Oh you're a fan of oud scents as well?" He asks with his face brightening up again, just like when he sighted me in the store. " I very much am"

" I'm glad"

" So where are we going to?" It hasn't been more than 5 minutes since we left Sidi and Sons together. That Haneef dude was bent on trying to ruin my day with his existence but no, I have my Saleem.
I'm not wrong for calling him mine, he likes me ( even though he hasn't said it) and I like him as well. Everytime I see him, I honestly feel happy and safe.
A feeling I've never felt for someone ordinary before.
" Uhmm, I figured you'd like ice cream so, Smart kids?" Their icecream is the best in Kaduna honestly, well it's a tie between them and Havilah icecream. " sure, they have really nice icecream"

" They do?, I haven't actually gone to any icecream spot here since I got back, so let's see" He answers and I turn my head around to get a good look at his side view.
He's so handsome.
He has this sideburns and I have to say, his spotless light skin is glowing and his beard and moustache, he's a whole package. He even has long lashes girls are dying for. " Stop staring at me lady"

" Why?, you're even lucky that I'm looking at you" I answer, trying to hide an embarrassed blush on my face and I take my phone out from my bag with the intention of taking a few selfies. " Which country did you actually study at?" I've been wanting to ask really. " New Zealand, I had serious fun there you know and the weather blessed me with this fresh body. Oh, let's not forget the accent" he says and flashes me a quick wink.
" I can see that you really don't want to maintain your fresh package, why will you come back to Nigeria?"

" Well, Madame, I came back for you" He answers, rendering me speechless.

Few seconds pass and yeah, I'm yet to give him an answer. " Cat got your tongue huh?" He says with a smirk and I shyly nod. " Well I wasn't joking when I said that, I really came back for you. I honestly couldn't get the cute little girl that seemed lost on her first day in junior secondary school with her oversized uniform out of my mind and heart, I waited 5 years for this you know" My heart, gosh it's melting.

" I really don't know what to say"

" well, just be straightforward with your feelings. It saves you from stress" He answers and I take a look at him, he smiles back sincerely at me and I take a deep breath before trying to pour my heart out as well. " Well, I guess I had a crush on you when I first saw you in school, you were tall and handsome and stuff. It died down when you left but when I saw you again a few days ago, the feelings rekindled" I say and watch him profusely blush from the side of my eye. " So you like me too"

" I do" I answer and immediately palm my face to avoid him getting a glimpse of me blushing.
" You really don't want me to see you blushing?, well it's normal. I'll get a glimpse eventually, well let's say pretty soon" He says with utmost confidence and I'm left to stare at the busy streets.
There's no place I'd rather be than here, beside my Saleem.

Smart kids, as usual is busy but we managed to get a seat at the top floor after ordering a medium-sized box of pizza and 8 scoops of ice cream each, Saleem insisted we ordered similar flavours and I certainly couldn't disagree.

" My Dad wants us to drop by his office later on, he wants to talk to you" I say to Saleem while chewing down a bite of delicious pizza. " Good, I can't wait to meet my father-in-law"

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