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Zakiyah's POV

" I've said this before and I'm willing to say it many many times just so you know how much I truly care about you. You're the only woman I've honestly fallen deeply for, there's no other woman I'll want to spend the rest of my life with other than you. I love you with everything I have and I'm willing to risk everything just to see you happy. I know everyone thinks us getting into a relationship now is hasty but God knows how long I've waited to be by your side and call you mine. You might not believe it when I say that I feel we're destined to be together, but that's what I feel and I'm sure it's true. There's a lot for us to unravel about each other and I know you're a good person, and so am I. Right from start, mummy told me that no woman wants to spend the rest of her life with a delinquent, a liar, a cheat and I made sure to shape myself well and try as much as possible to be good, to be good enough for you because you deserve the best Zakiyah. I love you soo sooo much, more than you can imagine" I don't want to ever leave this dream even if I'm a 100% sure that it can never be my reality again.
The person I'm dreaming about is pretty much dead.

But at least he's here, I want to enjoy this while it lasts. If he hadn't been part of that ghastly explosion, none of what happened between I and Haneef would have occurred. I wouldn't be shattered and depressed.

I would give anything to hear his reassuring words of love for me, anything really, as long as I get to hear his voice one more time at least.

There we sat on the grass, in the middle of similar flowers as those we saw in Dubai. I was gently resting my head on his shoulder as I listened to him tell me a story with his voice slowly beginning to fade away, Time to leave your dream Zakiyah.
I had squeezed my eyes shut in order to not watch everything vanish and to hope that everything was still in place, but as I slowly blinked open my eyes, I meet a white ceiling and hear the beeping sound of an electrocardiogram.
I'm finally back to reality.

I finally open my eyes fully to find doctor Isah and two other white, beautiful nurses trying to examine. I can see my Daddy metres behind them, I've missed him. " How do you feel Zakiyah?" Doctor Isah asks and I take my time to access my true emotions, Haneef and Ameerah's voices are ringing in my head already, if only I had the strength to react that day, all hell would have let loose. " I'm sad" I manage to respond as the nurses take hold of my arm and tilt it. " Do you feel numb anywhere?" Doctor Isah ask and I shake my head. " I'm just fine" I answer. " Well you still have your red spots on your skin, we're going to run some scans so we can start your chemotherapy. Luckily the stroke you had was mild and didn't leave any after effects"
" I had a stroke?" Because of those fools. Ah Zakiyah, you don cast. " You're safe now, you're going to be under observation for now" he says and signals for my daddy to come closer.

" Baby" Daddy calls, sighing heavily before resting my head on his stomach as I wrap my hands around his waist. " I'm sorry I made you worry"

" shh, Don't say that. I'm just glad you're fine"

" will be fine" I say again, correcting him. " You'll be fine, In Sha Allah. I'm so happy you're awake and I get to see your smile again" he says, beaming as I let go of him. " Where's Tay Tay?, is Juwairiyah awake?"

" Juwairiyah's awake and out of danger and Tayibah's with her, as well as Reedo and Juwairiyah's mother"

" Alhamdulillah, I'm so happy she's safe" It's as if a heavy weight has been lifted off my chest. " And Haneef?" I ask.
Honestly, part of me still wants to believe that all what I heard wasn't true, come on after all his efforts to win me over after Saleem's death, how could it all be for this?. How obsessed is he about Ameerah that he had to take these drastic measures to win her back?.
And she's crazy as well, she knew I was being used but still.....oh yeah, she warned me.
She was stern on me not getting attached to Haneef and she was jealous, she warned me and at the same time fell for Haneef's game. That bastard doesn't deserve to be alive, to think I thought we were probably destined for one another.

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