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After much deliberation and hours filled with laughter, Ameerah finally decided to hold her 22nd birthday party in Dubai. Well I have never gone on vacation and now that we're at home and we have nothing else to do, Tayibah pushed in the idea of us going to Dubai on Wednesday to celebrate Ameerah's birthday.

We left for Juwairiyah's place around 5PM, and here we are, 8pm already. Sharing ideas with Ameerah is honestly interesting, she makes sure she considers the good and bad sides of things before going for them and boy, she's wise.
Very wise. " I'll invite my close friends as well " Ameerah says while twirling a pen in her hands.

The celebration is going to hold at The View by Dusit, an outdoor terrace. Daddy helped us reserve a spot and apparently they have a team that can help decorate the whole area, so yeah Daddy paid. He also paid some caterers for the food, refreshments and birthday cake and all we have to do here is to invite guests, I'm obviously going with my besties and the celebrant is also tagging along with hers. The celebration won't be choked up and we'll be so free to do what we like, cause it's going to be a girls thing. I'm 80 percent sure Ameerah doesn't have male besties, and I'm sure he's going to feel awkward being around girls so he'll gladly stay behind.

" Uhmm Zakiyah, I'm going to take a tricycle to my friend's place, it's not far from here. I'll talk to them about our plans then I'll meet you at home"

" Oh okay, be careful on your way" I say while peeling my eyes away from my screen to stare at her. She says goodbye to Juwairiyah and Tayibah and finds her way out of the room. " I never knew she was this interesting honestly" Tayibah says, with her head resting comfortably on my thighs. " Yeah, she's actually very nice" Juwee backs up and begins to look at I and Tayibah weirdly.

" Girl speak up " I snap and watch her giggle. " Fareed asked me out" she says and both I and Tayibah spring up from our comforting positions to look at her properly. " Let me be sure, Reedo finally asked you out" Tayibah asks for confirmation as Juwairiyah walks over to sit with us on her bed.

Fareed is a good friend of ours who didn't complete Ss3 with us, he instead wrote waec in Ss2 and left to study Robotics in New York. He was our class captain in Meadows and also one of the popular hearththrobs the junior girls were dying for, but he had eyes for only one girl and that's my pretty bestfriend that's happily staring at us right now.

Juwairiyah had a crush on him back then but it died down when he began to constantly tease her about her chubby cheeks. Juwairiyah has flesh in the right places, she and Tayibah are a constant reminder of how I could've had features of a drop-dead gorgeous model but instead, I was blessed with a short height and a thin physique. Yay!.

I always knew Fareed liked Juwee cause everytime he teased her and watched her reaction, he smiled like a goat and actually blushed. It was cute honestly, Reedo is so nice and he's a genius. " Shebi I told you, I told you he liked you but you were always like no no, he just hates you. Now how stupid do you feel for not realising this sooner?" I tease and watch her cheeks redden.

" Well he used to always look for my trouble, you can't blame me for thinking that he hated me"

" Sure sure, but what did you tell him?" Tayibah asks.

" I wanted to let you guys know first so I told him I'll think about it. I'm not sure I'm ready for any long distance thing"

" Do you even like him?" Juwee likes every cute guy that walks past her. " Honestly, I guess I do. No, I love him. He's just so far away and I want my first boyfriend to be here with me, not far away in New York" believe it or not,  even with the massive amount of guys Juwairiyah has liked, she has never gone for any one of them that asked her out. They were all either too cocky, too arrogant or yeah, brats.

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