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Zakiyah's POV

Good health is really underrated.
For the past few months, I've been in and out of the hospital but Alhamdulillah, everything's in order now. I'm healthy and untraumatised, to think months ago I would have ended up in Qatar doing what I'd never imagine for myself.

Before I finally left for the states, I wanted to see Haneef one last time. At a point in the relationship we once had, I genuinely felt something for him, even though my heart belongs to Saleem. All the resentment and anger and I fell towards both him and Ameerah ended up been converted to pity, I always wander off in my thoughts sometimes thinking about what would have happened if Habeebah hadn't happened to us. We heard Habeebah was electrocuted and beaten up until she almost took her last breath in the asylum, she's living with paralysis now. She got what she deserved, even though she's mentally unstable, she was still very much conscious while moving from man to man which resulted to having children that fell in love with each other. She killed her daughter as well, even though it was an accident, she showed no remorse.

Daddy mentioned how he dug into how she developed the bipolar disorder and it didn't come as a shocker. She grew up with a silver spoon, when her father died, his siblings took everything away from them. Her mother couldn't adapt to the new condition, so she ended up abandoning Habeebah on the streets and she killed herself.

There it began, the obsession to live a good life. What happened to them was unfair, yes, but there are other good means of survival. Shaitan got the best of her.
May we all continue to be guided to the right path and protected from his tricks.
Like I said, she's a visible devil.

Habeebah's mother passed the gene to her, she was probably stressed out from having to deal with all what was going on and it triggered her own disorder, leading her to suicide. Habeebah's trigger was being stranded and in need to live the life she was used to and Haneef?, the abandonment of his mother and his obsession over Ameerah. Ameerah developed her signs when I was being used to make her jealous.
Well Ameerah's late now, Haneef and Habeebah are under observation and Habeebah's mother is long gone.
May Allah forgive them and grant them shifa.

" Here he is" a male nurse announces behind me and I turn around, setting my eyes on a happy figure of Haneef. I've missed staring at his handsome face. " Zakiyah?" He asks with a low voice. " Haneef" I respond and take my seat as the nurse helps him with his. " How're you and Saleem?" He asks with a soft smile. " We're fine"

" Ameerah will be angry with me if I comment on how beautiful you've become" he says, he still hallucinates seeing Ameerah. " Send my regards to her" I answer. My eyes are tearing up. "You know we're sorry for bringing you between us, you shouldn't have gone through that. But it brought us together" oh Allah. At least he's happy with his delusions.

I only got to spend approximately five minutes with him, apparently he's always in his room. When he's taken out for long, he gets violent because he apparently sees his mother going to attack Ameerah, like he actually saw. So he's always in his room, happy with his illusions about Ameerah. So basically, Ameerah is with him when he's alone and when he's not alone for too long, he sees an image of Habeebah walking to attack Ameerah in his room, so he panics, gets violent and tries to get back to his room at all costs.
This is what has become of the person I spilled my smoothie on. The same person with the childish giggle is now living in a delusion.
What a life.

My mates had taken up learning new skills after graduation while waiting for admission into multiple schools, and what did I get?.
I got a rollercoaster ride full of lessons, trials, visits to the hospital, i was literally kidnapped, I was left heartbroken by a mentally deranged person, my father found love and so did I, hopefully it's going to be everlasting.

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