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I was happy, genuinely.
It's been approximately a month since my step-sister left the home of the man that made her live like a princess and it has also been 4 weeks since I and Haneef Isa DanLadan embarked on a new beginning together.

Everything has been going pretty smoothly, except for the time to time weakness I usually feel when doing little or no amount of work and the redspots that come and go on my arm, neck and legs. I noticed it during, before and after my period so I obviously concluded it was all part of my cycle. It doesn't happen normally but I guess my system's changing.

Fajr time and I get up from my bed with a blasting headache and head to my bathroom to brush my teeth and make my ablution. My period even though gone, is really giving me a hard time. It took the mercy of Allah for me to successfully write my post utme exams in Abuja two weeks ago, I was weak and feverish but it didn't stop a genius from massacring her exams. Trickles of blood from my nose reveal themselves as I stare into the mirror before turning my tap on, my goodness, maybe this is from the weather change. I clean up, make my salah, say my adhkar and get back to bed for round 2 knowing fully well that I'm going to have a peaceful rest like I've been having over the weeks since the people who have been tormenting me are both gone.

Before closing my eyes to drift to dream land, I go through my new messages. Juwairiyah's going to be meeting with Reedo today, he's back in town. I can't wait to see their pictures together. Speaking of pictures, pictures of I and CEO of Ladan Shipping Group have been flying around in different blogs which is making me very uncomfortable, the attention been drawn towards me is something I really dislike but I'm learning to live with it, for my baby. The relationship status of Haneef is something different blogs are interested in and why not give them an appropriate answer, the truth?.

1st Batch Uniabuja Admission List.
I spring up from my bed instantly, tapping on the link sent to me by a boy I met on campus during my post-utme exams. He tried to flirt with me that day and apparently he's in the school's student union government board so I'd figured to keep him close since he didn't back off after I mentioned I had a boyfriend and was totally uninterested with external confusing factors. He keeps me up-to-date with happenings in the school and this is what I've been waiting for.
"Zakiyah Buhari Ali" I say to myself as I search for my name in the pdf file. Lo and behold, 1 result.
" I got in" I scream out loud, suddenly bursting with sparks of energy. This is going to get daddy dancing on his tippy toes. I actually did it without any connection, my goodness, I got in with my own merits. How amazing is this?!

" you got into what?" I hear daddy ask, opening my door. " admission list is out Daddy, guess who's gonna be leaving you soon" I say, getting up from my bed and twirling around. " Really" his face brightens up like that of a toddler sighting candy. " I'm so happy" he squeals and pulls me into a big hug, whispering Alhamdulillah in my ear. " We're going to get you all ready and set for school. Alhamdulillah Zakiyah" He says, finally letting go of my hold.

Even though he's trying his hardest to hide it, I can feel the sadness in his heart. His only baby's about to step into the world and eventually, build a life for herself. He's no longer going to walk me through everything.
He's basically going to be alone now, there's no one going to tease him constantly, no one's going to keep him company when he's home, I don't feel like going anymore. " If only mummy were here" I whisper, fighting back my tears. 10 years and it still feels like it happened yesterday, we lost our home. " But she's not and we have to stay strong. Don't worry I'll be fine on my own" He says, hugging me again. " You won't, you'll miss me every single day"

" Of course I will, that won't kill me you know"

" Stop acting all strong, I know you're hurt daddy"

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