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Zakiyah's POV

My eyes fling open to the well lit room again and I stare at my surrounding, the air conditioner's calming and the beep from the vital signs monitor fills the room. I try to adjust my lying position and find a male's head resting on the edge of my bed, Saleem's head.

He's still here even after how I reacted which I know was uncalled for, but my body felt the need to react that way. I don't know what's going on or what went on entirely but I should be glad Saleem's here with me again, come on I literally gained satisfaction from being with him in my dreams, how wouldn't I be more satisfied to be with him in reality.

Maybe this is Allah's way of blessing me after everything I've been put through, after all the deception from Haneef and having to relive the pain I went though years ago from losing my mother.

If there's anyone to be mad at, of course it's Haneef. Haneef's the one that tried to destroy the beautiful bond we were trying to grow and certainly he's going to pay. I won't take the law into my hands but if worst comes to worst, I will. I gently place my hand on his head, slowly caressing it to wake him up and he moves his head in response, lifting it up from my bed. " You're awake" he says and I take my time to stare at his features I've longed missed. I'm so glad he's back to me. " I am"

" I should call the doctor" hearing his voice on and on makes tears brim up in my eyes. I thought I was never going to hear it again.

" Don't, I'm fine"

" we can't be certain" he still worries. " Please Saleem" I say and watch him settle in his seat. " I'm sorry.." I start but he disrupts me instantly. " No don't, hearing an apology from you will make me go crazy. You're the one at the receiving end here with all that has happened"

" Haneef tried to kill you.."

" He's going to pay dearly, In Sha Allah" he keeps reassuring me that I have nothing to worry about. I definitely do.  " I fell for his shenanigans, I'm so sorry" I say and he settles down beside me, staring straight into my eyes without a blink. " Haneef used all of us, we're not supposed to blame ourselves for being foolish or stupid to have fallen for his game. What we're meant to do is to get back up stronger and show him that he messed with the wrong people. I know you believed you were happy with him these past few months but..."

" I won't lie that I was, cause he literally gave me all the attention I needed but only Allah knows that my heart always yearned to be with you again. I enjoyed the dreams I had about you and I really never wanted to leave, I missed you" I really did. " I missed you even more" I'm so thankful for being able to see him smile this way again.

My lips form a smile as he embraces me, resting my head on his belly. I'm so happy I've been given another chance to shower him with all the care he deserves.

We spent the night talking about what kept him away for the few months, he was literally at the brink of death but Alhamdulillah. I couldn't be more grateful.


Days went by quickly in New York after my chemotherapy was successful and both I and Juwairiyah were happily on our feet again. Battling with cancer for three weeks hasn't been the best of adventures but Alhamdulillah, at least the people I love were by my side all through.

As those weeks went by, I would make sure to be extra observant of the interactions between Tay Tay and my father. They suck at hiding what they have and I haven't had the strength to intervene. At first I didn't know how to react to what was going on, but I guess I saw the best of the positive side of things. My father needs someone to genuinely love and care for him like my mother did or even better than she did. I know my mother's place in his heart is irreplaceable but she's not with us now, and In Sha Allah, we're all going to meet in Jannah.

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